Past life, this life.. no next one (part II)

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Could it really be this easy? Arthit was satisfied, rested, well fed and happy. Who could want more. And most of the time, it seemed that, there really was no need for anything else. Especially these annoying mood ruining answers. That's what Arthit felt, when he stepped through the door of their apartment and Kongpob stepped toward him, took his bag, gave him a kiss, and led him to the table for another homemade dinner. It felt like bliss and for a while it was exactly this.

We shared everything, well almost everything. The business was managed together, they shared the work as it came. Arthit dealt with it on the surface and Kongpob made the research and decisions. It felt weird, how they matched their different personalities and how differently they dealt with life and work. It was all so sweet and intense and at the same time they had never felt that anything fit as well as it did now. One with his couple of decades of experiencing, the other with his millennium, they both felt the same. Was it even logical and normal. Who cared. It was normal for them. Kongpob had not stopped to try and surprise Arthit at every chance he got. Starting from breakfast in bed, which he did almost every morning now. It really was beaten only by another surprise, sex instead of breakfast. Though, that also meant that Arthit was late to work on these mornings, which just couldn't happen every morning.

There were also couple of times, when the workday was over and suddenly the car that was supposed to take him home, was stopping beside a private jet, where Kongpob was promptly standing and waiting for him. There had been dinner in Tokyo and a weekend in Paris. Sunrise in Waimanalo Bay beach is a great way to start off the weekend. These were somethings that Kongpob had decided to surprise him with. Sometimes it felt like he wanted to make him experience everything, as often and as fully as possible. Arthit decided to look past all the sad and desperate thought's that passed through Kongpob's actions. Because as much as Kongpob made efforts to make him happy, the same was with him. Arthit made his all, that Kongpob would also feel happy and not worry about anything. Though sometimes he saw the shadow ruining his perfect expression, these were the times Arthit was especially trying to make him happy and forget the sad thoughts he had.

One day they felt that there was a need for a break. It was the the end of march and all the spring flowers started to bloom. It was the favourite time of year for Arthit. And he felt that Kongpob had been away from home, for too long. So he booked them couple of tickets and when the workday ended on Friday, Arthit took the car to Kongpob. He was in a studio near their hotel. Kongpob needed a place to meet with business associates, so they had thought best to leave their hotel's penthouse to themselves and their friends, but every one, who was outside that circle, which meant almost everyone, Kongpob met there. Arhtit knew that he had a meeting just in the end of the of the workday. As he was stepping through the door, he heard of laughing, a woman's.

There was a beautiful blonde woman, sitting besides Kongpob on the couch, smiling almost seductively, flashing her long legs, also her perfect breasts. She didn't see him standing silently in the doorway, but Kongpob saw him. The smile crossing his face, was the best solution for Arthit's nerves. Though not really jealous, still some kind instinct of his, was telling him to be angry at this woman, who was trying to seduce, however unsuccessfully, his love of the last millennium. Somehow, he was blessed with somebody, who wanted him, loved him and thought the world of him. The woman was obviously really long winded, because as Kongpob was looking at Arthit, over the woman's shoulder, she didn't get it. She was absolutely sure, that this smile was meant for her. So she was absolutely certain that it was a successful partnership, they would accomplish, at thas night. And oh! Her surprise, when Arthit coughed slightly. She was out of the apartment faster than wind. Maybe the surprise, or the kiss Arthit gave Kongpob, when he walked next to them. Well it sure surprised her enough, to mutter a slight goodbye and her legs, that had to hurt from the high heels she was wearing, quickly took her out of the apartment.

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