Chapter 29: Maddison

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Luke comes back into the room. I watch him walk over to me. Claire, I will make you a deal. What kind if deal, I ask. A life or death deal, he says. Ok, what's the deal. How about your sisters life and you stay with me. Or I just can kill you. Why would I stay her just so you could kill my other sister? I didn't mean Bailey! I meant Maddison! MADISON, I say in shock. What are you going to do to her? I can give her a second life. But it will come with a cost. I can get my sister back, I say to myself. But I will have to stay with Luke. But my sister! I will stay with you but when you bring Maddison back to life you let her go. No, Luke said. Then no deal! FINE! I will be back, He said. I can hear Luke and Loki talking from the other room. Luke walks back in. We will start in an hour. But one thing you should know. What would that be, I ask. She won't come back the same. He leaves the room again. What does he mean. As in feelings, pain, emotions? What if she won't remember any thing?

Any hour has past and Loki is starting the process. How will she be different. I yell for Luke. LUKE! He walks into the room. Yes. I just want to know how will she be different, I ask. They Viper poison will be taken out of her. So she will be normal, I say. No, what we are putting in her to life is a god sierra. So it will make her a god? Yep, he says as he leaves.


I wake up on a table feeling more power full then every. I thought I was dead! I sit up. I see Claire in the side if my eye. CLAIRE, I say. Maddison! It worked, she says. What worked? She motions me over. You aren't who you think you are, she says. Then what am I, I say. You are well..... a god! I'm a what. how did this happen? Luke walks in to the room. I walk up to him and slap him. That was for killing me. What I give I can take away, he says. What does he mean, I ask. Let your sister tell you. I look down at Claire. What is he talking about? He brought you back to life, Claire says. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Well now you must be going, Luke says. What do you mean? Before I can do any thing he pushes me out the door and closes it. What about Claire. Then I realize what he was doing. I fly back to S.H.E.I.L.D using my new powers. I run into the building to find Bailey, Jake, and Eric sittings down. I walk by. Bailey looks up. She knows what she saw. She gets up. Where are you going, Jake ask. Just to the bathroom, she says. Now I know she is looking for me. I walk like very thing is normal to the weapon room. I pick mine up and walk out. I see Bailey in the side if my eye. I just keep walking. I head for any exit. But then I fell a hand hit my shoulder. A voice says, Maddison. I can tell its Bailey. I turn. Her face. I cover her mouth. Don't talk don't do any thing get Jake and Eric and your weapons. I start walking again. Where are we going, she ask. To get Claire.

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