Volume 3: Chapter 14- New Members

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"...As such we would like to humbly join your Tengu clan." Korkau Jou finished his long statement. He and his sister Karli were both sitting on their knees while bowing with their heads down.

Korkau, the older one, was a frost wolf type demon, thus his tail, bluish white fur, claws and fangs, combined with his sharp horns, made him formidable to look at. If it wasn't for loss of muscle mass due to period of imprisonment, he would be at a strength level comparable to demon lord, but now his aura was a level weaker. But still, he was no weakling, underestimating him would be same as suicide.

At his side was Karli, by appearance she looked similar to Korkau, but more feminine, radiating a clear aura of frost. It was obvious that she was here very reluctantly, almost as if coming here dented her pride to a great degree.

They were having an audience with the leader of Tengu and Karatengu clans, Ren Karatengu. They were begging their former enemy to let them join his clan as his subordinates.

Of course, they were not alone; Ren's allies with exception of Akjan, and two Demon Lords, Korgan Karatengu and Sento Draco were also there. If a fight broke out, it was obvious which side would win. Korkau and Karli could only hope that they would be merciful.

"I understand that you would be suspicious of me and my sister after everything we have done, but if you will spare her, I am willing to give up my life, if you chose so." Korkau unlike what he once was, a proud and strong warrior, was reduced to a weak and begging demon.

Karli couldn't just watch her brother's humiliation.

"We wish to join the Tengu clan, but I will not let my brother sacrifice himself! If you allow both of us to join, I swear I shall do your bidding until my demise and I will even make a Master-Slave contract with you. However, if you wish to kill my brother, I shall...."

"It is fine." Ren shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" Karli looked at him with stupefied expression.

"I said it is fine. You both can join the Tengu clan. I don't hold grudges."

"But I have tried to overthrow the Demon King, Akil Ras!" Korkau cried out, surprised at Ren's answer. He expected to be at least punished for that.

"He is already dead; there is no use over fussing over the grudges with the deceased." Ren replied in a matter of factly manner.

"I tried to kill you and took lives of your servants; are you truly fine with this?" Karli asked, her slitted eyes now focusing on Ren, trying to discern whether he was telling the truth or lying.

"What happened in the past stays in the past. Back then we were enemies, now the circumstances are different. I have already buried the bodies we could retrieve and built gravestones for each one of them. When they chose to follow me, they already knew there was a chance they could die, but the least I could do was let them rest in peace, knowing they will be remembered. Though, I don't blame you for your action, for back then we were enemies, I would prefer if you would visit the graves of the fallen and their respective families; that would be something I would do." Strangely, Ren sounded rather wise, unusually so, as his subordinates could attain.

This only showed that under the goofy exterior lies the mind of a true genius.

Well, telling her this might be a good idea. If I make a fuss about the deaths of Tengu clan members, there is a chance she might attack us again! I don't think I can survive another one of her ice attacks. She is too damn strong! I am so happy she is no longer going to be our enemy, no longer do I have to sleep with the fear of being turned into an ice statue. Ouuuph...

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