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Rena wasn't thinking straight, she was spacing out most of the time even when her class has already started, she often doodles things in her notepad not even paying attention to her teacher. She couldn't care less anyway.

"Choi Rena." The teacher called her name but she didn't even move her head to look up, she was still busy in her own world. The teacher tilts her head a little bit by Rena's sudden action, this is his first encounter that Rena was being like this so she called her once again. "Miss Choi Rena." He shouted a little by that Rena looked up finally, a little bit speechless because she didn't even realize about it.

"Now could you solve this equation?" Her teacher said as he points out the problem in front. Rena bit her lip and unconsciously fiddle her fingers—she's feeling nervous and on top of that math was not her favourite subject.

"I'll answer it, Sir." The guy that was sitting at her back stood up, The Teacher sighed and nod at him. As he finished answering the question on the board he turned around then Rena made an eye contact with him she pursed her lip and lowered her head, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Here he goes again, always rescuing me with my crisis in life.

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