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contains suicidal behavior. just a mere warning :)

also it's long. another mere warning ;)


4 years ago...

"Loser, come on!"

I ran down the stairs as soon as I heard my brother call me. He looked at me for a quick second then started to walk towards the door. I hurriedly made my way next to him and started to walk.

I got on the side of him and swooped my hand into his. Hansol disgustedly pulled his hand out of mine and looked at me as if I were a mad man.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?" Hansol yelled.

I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me again, trying to get me to answer. But the truth is, I only wanted him to love me. I want him to show it. Lately, he's been all interested in this girl and barely has time for his own little sister.

Before he could say anything else, I started to walk. Tears started to form in my eyes. I wiped them away before Hansol saw.

Hansol just scoffed and went back to texting his lady friend. I quickened my pace so I would be farther away from that jerk. He didn't even notice when I got to the crosswalk. Mom always tells me to wait for Hansol, but not this time.

I walked forward after checking both way. As I was walking, my body jolted sideways. I yelped in pain as my whole side felt numb. Hansol looked up from his phone to see what all the commotion was about and freaked out as he saw me lying on the floor almost lifeless.

He ran to my side and checked to see if I was still breathing.  He nodded in assurance since I was breathing. All I could hear was him yelling at people to call an ambulance before I blacked out.

Present Day...

"Come on loser, we can't be late!"

I rushed to get all my papers in my backpack before heading downstairs. I walked out the door when I saw Hansol leave. He didn't pay attention to me--not like he has before.

Hansol walked out, closing the door behind him. We walk the usual route: leave the house, pick up his no good girlfriend, then head to school.

Not to mention, now that we pick her up we have to leave 45 minutes earlier than before. He told mom that he wanted to get school earlier for tutoring. What a fake.

As we waited in front of Angie's house, I grew sick of the girl and started to walk. Hansol just looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and waited for her to come out.

Once she came out, he kissed her cheek. She and him started to walk hand in hand toward the school. I overheard there conversation and I could not believe what I heard.

"Where's that sister of yours?"

"What sister?"

I fast walked to the school. Tears began to flood my vision. Could he be that clueless? The fact that he even prefers her over very own sister! I can't take this anymore.

Instead of walking to school, I took the back streets back home. Hansol probably won't even care anyway. He'll probably come home and think I walked home before he did.

I wiped my tears and I ran. People would try and stop me to ask me if I was okay. I couldn't answer, I had to keep running.

I finally got to the house to find my parents not there. They must be at work early. Because they don't go to work until about 9 and we leave at 7:20 every morning. I guess something happened today.

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