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It was a beautiful summer day, and no one would have been able to make it otherwise for the two lovers who so refused to let go of one another as they lay on the grass of one of the many private gardens within Cair Paravel. Even with the sun hidden by the heavy clouds, the moment felt perfect for them both. Her hair rested wild in waves around her head, his hands were much careless and more experienced than they had been months before, and their lips, oh those two doors of breath which had found a home upon one another, refused to part even as the first drop of late-summer rain fell against Edmund's back.

As it was, the love the two carried in their hearts made every single grey cloud above them seem non-existent. As if the sun shone endlessly bright on the sky and the second and third drops of rain that poked his back were nothing but loose leaves fallen from some near tree.

That was the way everything had felt between them for the past few months. When they made time for each other, slipped within the secret passages, and met in his room, in their library, in the gardens, or in her room. It didn't matter where they went; their hands met, their lips pressed in a kiss, and the time the two spent together felt as private as the very love they had silently admitted to feeling for one another.

Of course, none of it meant that their time together was spent only kissing, cuddling, or giving in to one another entirely; on the contrary. Edmund and Juliet liked to speak. They liked to ask for each other's opinions, they liked to simply sit together in silence, and even, sometimes, it felt like they, too, loved to argue about simple or complex things. From the twist in a book found within his library to the very stubbornness they also unfortunately shared, or even an opinion they simply could not agree with. Whatever it was, their love became one of a kind. It became complex, private, and even tempestuous, with a sort of special camaraderie that grew and continued growing deeper with each day.

Yet, there was one part of their relationship that had grown even stronger than the romance the two continued to share, and that, beautifully, was their friendship. It didn't matter that they kissed, it didn't matter that they debated or passionately made each other forget the world around them; when the days got tough, or too much to bear alone, Edmund and Juliet looked for each other for comfort.

It was that way, in fact, that the two had ended up in the garden on that cloudy day, with a fourth and fifth drop of rain falling against Edmund's back. They had become each other's solace, each other's best support, and above all, the only thing either of them wanted to acknowledge when the world seemed to be falling to pieces all around them. The only problem that day, though, was that the place in which they had chosen to be together, suddenly became inconvenient for the coming of the early autumn rain.

At least... it would have become inconvenient if Juliet hadn't started softly saying his name against his ear when she broke their kiss. It was like magic working within his chest as she exposed her neck, held onto his shoulder and whispered his name again; it encouraged him to kiss that beautiful place just under her jaw, lost in the comfort of her arms as the dangerous flame of passion started burning at the pit of his stomach. He held her against him, and─

Golden Renaissance | Auric Idolatry, Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now