It's All Good

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I'm up way earlier than I have to be, waiting for the Port Authority office to open.  A shipment of vaccinations I need for this weeks clinic run is being held up at customs. I make a couple of phone calls and leave yet another voicemail. I check my emails and the UN's website for conflict flags-which is all clear. It's been years since there's been any rebel activity in the area, but the safety of our volunteers and my family is top priority.

I cut through the warehouse, following the laughter I hear out back by the sandpit. I find Harry, holding Lulu's grandson, Babu, with one arm and pushing the twins, Nyah and Tameka, on the tire swing with the other. Babu spots me first, and reaches his arms to me.

"Good morning, Styles." I smile at him as I take the baby from him.

"Good morning!" He flashes me a smile as he grabs hold of the tire, slowing it to a stop. "We're starving but we wanted to wait to have breakfast with you-didn't we?" The girls laugh as he helps them out of the swing.

   "Well, you should've just came in my office and got me!  We can't have hungry babies, can we?"

   Breakfast, like every other meal, is a communal affair.  The buffet is open for volunteers to come and go, and because we are up much earlier than most, the dining hall is quiet. 

   We fix our plates, and take a seat at the bar.  When Harry blows on his cup of coffee to cool it off, I notice the dark circles under his eyes.

   "Did you sleep well?" I ask, offering him the creamer.

   He shakes his head, "No, I drink it Americano." He blows on it again, "Just gotta let it kick in, I'm not usually up this early.  But to answer your question: I did.  Best night's sleep I've had in awhile."  He takes a sip, peering at me over the rim of his cup. 

   "Hmmm, the waterfall is so relaxing."

   "Heaven?" He says, his eyes twinkling.

   "Closest I've ever been to it!"

   He smiles slowly, that smirky half-smile I'm growing to like.  "You'll have to show me this heavenly waterspout, but wasn't the waterfall. It was the good company and perhaps too much wine."

I flush furiously, getting up to refill our coffee cups. He tugs at the bottom of my olive v-neck, "I wore white so we'd match!"

I wore green because your eyes. "Oh, we will, Styles. You'll see!"


Hours later, we stand admiring our hard work: three truckloads of sand filled water bottles and a water filtration system loaded on the flatbed, ready for installation. I hand Harry an ice cold bottle of water.

"Really?" He squeaks, and tosses it over his shoulder. I laugh as he retrieves the bottle and takes a swig.

"Maji." I say, and he raises his eyebrows. "Swahili for water."

"Maji," he repeats, so proud of himself. He tugs at my t-shirt, and sand flies all over.

I tug at his, "See! I told you we'd match!"


The outdoor shower has never felt so good. I take my time, shaving my legs and getting the sand out of my hair. I'm exhausted, and starving, and I can't wait to hear what Harry thinks about today.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was so carefree, legs splayed in the sand, holding the funnel while the twins filled the bottle. Studying the filtration system plans with an intense look on his face, his hand brushing my arm more than once, every cell in my being begging for the contact.  His effervescence is contagious, his easy going nature sets the rhythm for the whole group. 

I've got a ridiculous smile plastered on my face when I enter the dining hall. He spots me and winks, his smile fading when Jake takes my arm and leads me to the bar. I know I can't keep avoiding him, so I ask him to stay and help cleanup after dinner.

"Sooo," Jake begins, busing the tables after everyone heads to the patio, "You and Harry seem to be hitting it off?"

"No, Jake, not that it's any of your business."

"Babe..." I raise my hand to stop him.

"Don't call me that, I'm not your babe. I'm not your anything anymore."

"Look, Nat, I know I screwed up..." he's actually sober, softer somehow, but I'm not.  Not anymore.

"Stop right there. Don't try to tell me how you've changed, I saw you skulking out of the Peace Corp girls' cabin this morning. You haven't changed one bit—"

He hangs his head, opens his mouth to speak, but I don't want to hear it. "You were a terrible boyfriend, so please, spare me. We can be friends, but you've got to stop!"

"You never even gave me a chance to make it right! If you'd just give me a chance, I'll—"

"Stahppp!" I say, laughing. "You feel like shit and you want me to make you feel better about it and it's not my job anymore! Friends, or nothing at all. I mean it, Jake!"

"I really am sorry, Nat."

"It's okay, it's all good." I mean it, too. He wraps me in a bear hug, and holds on a bit too long. I'm pushing him away when the door swings open and Harry sticks his head just inside.

"Hey, do you need some help?..." he sees us and turns right back around.

"No, we're done here," I say, giving Jake a shove.  He rolls his eyes and sidles past Harry out the door.
Harry eyes me warily as he pours a drink from the bar.

"Did I interrupt something?" he asks, pouring another for me.

"No, you didn't interrupt anything. I just can't keep avoiding him."

He nods, taking a sip of rum. "As long as you're alright."

"I'm okay," I smile, "We haven't been together since my parents died-I had to hunt him down to bring me home, found him in bed with one of my friends.  He stayed with me through the funeral, but then I stayed in the States and I haven't talked to him since he showed up here. He's really not a bad person, just a bad boyfriend."

"What a wanker!" he grins, shaking his head.

I laugh, he's right. "It's all good."


A/N: I'm losing half of you by the end of this chapter, and I'd love some feedback, positive or negative! Where am I losing you? Is it moving too slow, or too fast? Are you just not feeling it? I'm editing the first few chapters. This is the first thing I've ever written and I know it starts out cheesy, but I promise it gets better! I appreciate your reads, and your votes, and comments are more than welcome!

Much love!-Cait

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