Sharpie King

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The next few days fly by, another successful camp is in the books. Harry is dropping the Hope Springs tees on his website at noon, along with a link to our website. He's assured me all will go smooth, all I have to do is sit back and respond to the massive amounts of emails we'll be getting. He also warned me about the spam we'll get, too, and made sure our website doesn't link to any personal information.

He's so excited about the drop, and although it's taken him forever to sign the shirts, he says it's not a big deal. But it is, it means the world to me.

Sharpie King: Don't forget! FaceTime in an hour!

Nat: Getting the popcorn ready ;)

Sharpie King: Jeffrey and I have a bet. He thinks they'll sell out in less than an hour, I think longer.

Nat: Omg! Seriously, who am I supposed to root for here? I mean, it's a win-win for me either way!

Sharpie King: That's all that matters, love! I don't care if I have to scrub his bathroom floor with a toothbrush lol

Nat: Really? That's the bet???

Sharpie King: Lol, no, not really! I'll tell you what it is when it's over ;) I'll call you in a bit, getting my laptop set up!


"It's not working, Harry!"

"Refresh it again, love. It should be there any minute."

Everybody is crammed into my office, Zoie hits refresh for the 583rd time and there it is.

"Got it!" There's a picture of Harry in our t-shirt, posing by a truckload of bottled water. Zoie scrolls down, revealing pictures of Harry during his week here: the hut we built, playing soccer in Addae, the pop up clinic, Eshe...all of it. Hot tears fill my eyes as I'm seeing it through his eyes.

"This is beautiful, Harry!"

He grins, his smile as bright as it can be from so far away, "I'm glad you like it, love."


32 minutes. That's how long it takes before SOLD OUT is posted on the queue. Harry laughs, even though he lost the bet.

"Are you alright?" He asks, furrowing his brow at me.

"This is insane! I mean...I should've known, but I had no idea!" I may be in shock-100% of the proceeds= $350k. "We can do so much with this money, I don't even know where to start!" The tears flow freely, and he patiently waits for me to blow my nose. "I don't even know what to say, Harry! Thank you so much! I'll never be able to repay you!"

"Mmmm, I have an idea..." he bites his lip and starts unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

"Harry, that will take forever!"

I laugh, my eyes glued to his lips as they form the word: "Exactly."

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