Welcome to the gang

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Kian's P.O.V

"Ok who the fuck did that?" I managed to say while covering my ears and turned around.

As soon as I turned around
my gaze traveled towards the way Franny,Bobby and two other people were standing in.

My eyes met hers.She was sitting still looking right at us.Her expression was shocked and I could tell mine was too.She furrowed her eyebrows and let one single word slip through her lips.


Her voice was soft and soothing.It could really calm every single person on this world.

She was wearing black skinny jeans and a pink hoodie.Her hair was sleek and straight,some of it tucked behind her ears.Her bangs were parted to the side.

Her face was so perfectly shaped.Her nose was just like a tiny marshmallow,her lips were plump and pink.Her eyebrows were arched and so defined.When she smiled or even talked,two cute dimples could be noticed by everyone.

Out of all her face features,my eyes were straight up staring at hers.Her eyes were almond shaped.Hazel.You could actually get lost in them.In a different galaxy.A better one.A more beautiful and peaceful galaxy compared to ours.

My voice answered back slowly and as clear as it could be for a shocking situation like this.

"Vanessa?" I asked the girl in front of me in hesitation.

I mean its not like I couldn't tell the difference between her and her sister Veronica.Yes,they may be identical but I was kind of able to tell them apart due to her calling my name and her different dimples.

I saw her come closer and closer and that was my signal to get up from my couch.We soon were close to each other and she finally pulled me into a hug.Her hands were on my shoulders and mine were at her waist.She wasn't tall but she was perfect anyway.

Vanessa's P.O.V

When Kian and I pulled apart from the hug we just shared,I tried to take a glance at his face.His face was literally perfect.
I continued to take a look over him.

He was wearing a yellow hoodie and light blue jeans.His vans were black and white just like mine and his hair was messy but beautiful.Man did god spent some time on this creature.

My eyes never left his and I just extended my hand to shake his.I mean I don't know what came over me.I was really insecure in front of him.He was so perfect.It just made me think that he would never like this potato over here.

"Vanessa" I said stuttering.
He looked down at my hand and gave me a little laugh.He then grabbed my extremely small hand in his shaking it slightly.

"Kian" he said looking right back at my eyes again.There was a great moment of silence until a small giggle erupted through the room.I turned my gaze to the people that were right besides us.

There was Roni looking right at Neels.She was the one that giggled.Neels on the other hand, seemed really shy at the moment.He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and continued to speak with my twin sister.Cuties.

I drifted my eyes back at Kian who was also watching Neels and Roni talking.He was wearing a smile and he was probably proud of his best friend just like I was of my sister.

He must've realised I was staring right at his soul so he just turned around and smirked.I hid my blushed cheeks by looking at the ground.Good job Nessa you just humiliated yourself in front of the hottest person alive.

He pointed his finger at Roni and Neels and asked "Cute right?"

I nodded and laughed at how adorable and how shy both of them were.I sooo can't wait to see them being all cute with each other.

"I can't wait to see them dating" I said and mentally face palmed myself.You just spilled your sister's tea all over the house in just a couple of seconds.Way to go Nessa.

"Oh shit did I say that aloud?" I turned at Kian.

He just nodded.

"Don't worry I can relate too" he said smiling.


Everything right now was just perfect.The scene,the moment,the now comfortable feeling I got around these dudes and the cuteness overload.

"Nessa?" Kian asked waiting for me to answer.I just hummed and stared at him.He gave me a quick hug and muttered these four words.

"Welcome to the gang"

I did it.I just wrote this cute chapter in like an hour and I couldn't stop thinking one thing.



Im surprised I even wrote this.I hope you guys loved this.Pls tell me your opinions on this jdndndndn I can't😢❤

Anyways.Thank you guys sm for everything(Oo Im getting emotional)

(Pls ignore any mistakes,I was generally upset while writing this.)

Ily ily ily

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