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Connor felt a little nervous around everyone and Jack could tell he was about to freak out being around so many people. He grabbed a drink off of the table and walked over to him.

"Yo Con, have this."

"What is it?"

"Just drink it."

Connor took a sip and made a weird face at first; Jack laughed a little.

"Don't worry, it'll start tasting good after a few more sips. If you need anything I'll be right over there, I'll be back to bring you over here in a few to do something, alright?"


Connor watched him walk away and finished up his drink. He got up and got himself some more and then just chilled on the couch waiting for Jack to come back over.

"Yo, come over here right now Con!"

Connor got up and walked over to a little group of about 4 people.


"Hey Connor!" they all said, smiling.

"Con, you need to try this. It'll take your pain away, I promise."

"Wha- What is it?"

"It's weed, not that big of a deal."

"Oh, alright."

Connor hasn't drank or smoked once in his life until now. 

"How you feeling?" Jack asked after the group smoked about 4 blunts within 20 minutes.

"Uh I'm hungry," Connor said, looking at him confused.

They partied a little more. Jack tried not getting too messed up so he could take Connor home safely.
After about an hour he grabbed Connor and got out of there.

"You alright, Con?"

"Haha yeah, I- I'm fi-fine."

"We need to get you home, kid."

Jack looked over at Connor and just laughed at how messed up he got that morning. Once they pulled up he walked helped him up to his room and in bed. 

"See you tonight or something, Con. Sober up first buddy." Jack laughed while walking out of the door.

Connor passed out moments after, bareling remembering a thing when he woke up.

It's Gonna Be Okay, Kid.Where stories live. Discover now