I'm Doing Fine

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Kate tried helping Connor up. Once he got up he tried not to lean too much on her since he knew he was pretty heavy.

"Here, let's get you outback on the bench, I'll get everyone to leave and you can stay."

"But what about, Jack?" Connor asks, "I need to get home."

"I'll take you home, or I'll get him to tell your parents you're staying the night at his house and you can just stay here."

Connor groaned a little in pain, "Okay, thank you" he said. Kate just smiled and said "no problem, Con."

Connor sat out there while Kate went in and told everyone to leave and told Jack to say he was staying the night with him. Jack agreed although he didn't know what was going on. After everyone left Kate went outback to help Connor inside.

"Here, let's go to the kitchen and clean you up a bit." 

They walked over to the kitchen and she sat him down on a chair. She got a wet wash cloth and some peroxide and put a little on the wash cloth. She told him to grab onto her hand because it might sting a little. He held her hand as she gently cleaned the few cuts near his eye and the one near his lip.

"I'm going to need you to either lift up your shirt or take it off so I can check to see if you have any cuts on your body."

Connor just nodded and slowly took off his shirt, Kate had to help. 

"Thank you," he said, smiling a bit.

She just smiled and cleaned the few cuts on his side. 

"You know, it was pretty tough of you to sit there through all those kicks and punches, Connor."

"It's not like it was the first time," he sighed. 

She looked into his eye and he looked back into hers. She smirked and kept looking at him as he did the same. Connor reached for her hands and she let him grab them, and then he pulled her down on his lap. She just laughed a little and put her hands around his neck and managed to hide her face in his neck. 

I've always liked Connor, but then he started dating Emily. He's just the cutest thing ever ugh. This moment is perfect, Kate thought, smiling a little as she kissed his neck gently.

Connor let out a small moan and smirked, I shouldn't be feeling this way, but this moment is just great, he thought. 

Connor turned his head and leaned in to kiss Kate slowly. They both smiled into the kiss, moments before going upstairs. 

I wouldn't trade this moment for anything, she thought.

This feels so right, he thought.

They cuddled and made out a little bit while she carefully ran her hand up and down his body  moments before falling asleep.

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