Crank/Hanknor Fluff.

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Please be reminded that this is one of the first fluffs ive ever writen,so im sorry if its weird.
Connor was in the living room of Hanks house.Acording to his system it was valentines day and connor was trying to find the best way to surprise hank.
He started to go trough all of his archives trying to see if he could find anything Hank would really like.
Of course he first thought of a puppy but Hank alredy had sumo and he was pretty sure he woudnt want another one to take care of.
He was starting to panick,Hank had said that he was going to be home by 5:30pm and it was currently 4:50pm.Wich meant he didnt have much time.
He started to question,if he was Hank,what would he want?
His led was starting to become red,a sign that he was clearly stressed out.
He thought for 30 minutes and after those minutes he finally decided on what to give to the lieutenant.
He waited for 10 more minutes,before he heard the front door unlockinhg and seeing Hank walk in full of bags.
"Would you like some help lieutenant?"
"No thank you.I think i can manage this on my own"
"Alright Hank,ill be waiting in the living room"
Connor sat down on the couch,patiently waiting for Hank.
As he waited he started to think if what he was about to do was truly a good option.
Before he could make his final decision ,Hank walked in the room with a shoe box in his hands.
"Whats that lieutenant?"
"Jesus Connor,call me Hank for fucks sake"
"Im terribly sorry lieu-i mean Hank"
" This is a gift for you Princess"
"For me?!Why!?"
"Because its valentines day sily.Here,open it"
As Connor started to open the box,he heard a little bark coming from inside said box.
He grew suspicious,would Hank prank him like this,?Noo,he would never........Right?!
Nonetheless he opened up the bkx and immediatly teared up.
Inside the box,was a puppy.The same puppy he had once see on a pet store.
He had begged for the pup for years and now he finally got it.
He was so happy.He started to doubt his present,but he continued on anyway.
"Thank you so much Hank!!"
"Your welcome Connor"
"I also have a gift for you Hank,but im afraid that it will not be as good as yours"
"Dont worry about it,im sure it will be just fine"
Connor took a deep breath,grabbed hanks tie and pulled him closer so their lips could touch.
Hank was jn such shock that he didnt kiss back right away,witch lead to Connor thinking he fucked up.
As Connor pulled away,he looked at his feet,ashamed and eyes watery.
As Hank snaped out of his shocked mode,he quiclky grabbed the front of Connors shirt and pulled him toward himself so he could kiss him again.
As they kissed,both their eyes closed in pure bliss,their stomachs filled with butterflys.
Connor was the first one to pull alway
"I love you Lieutenant "
"and i love you,you piece of plastic"
For the rest of the day,Connor and Hank just sat on the couch cuddling and watching movies,wile thinking
"How did i get this lucky?"
Hope you all liked this one
Its not a smut,i know.Stop yelling at me in the comment section.
As i referenced in the beginning this is the first ever fluff that i wrote,so if it sucks ass thats why.
But anyway,if you would like me to write more fluff,please let me know.

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