MY THEORY(Please read)

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So as i was navigating youtube,i found this video and i sended it to my friends to see what they thought.
It wasn't until i sended them to my girlfriend,that i began theoryzing.
Based on the first trailer of that video i came to the conclusion that maybe that Kara model was the first deviant.
What if that Kara model is ra9?
What if she ran away from her "master" because she coudnt handle being fake anymore?
And if thats the case why make Markus the leader and not Kara?
And where did the name Jericho come from.
I'll answer all those questions right now.
This is my theory:
That Kara model might be the first deviant,but i don't think she's ra9.
I think ra9 has something to do with jericho.
So were did the name jericho come from?
Maybe jericho was a model that was descontinued but one of them managed to escape and hide somewere.Until they met the Kara model.
Heres the storie part os it:
The first deviant was a kara model who fell in love with a descontinued jericho model.
They soon found the boat and hided there togethe,until they decided to go look for other deviants to recruit and give a home.
Then when jericho died(probably trying to save more androids and was cought),kara named the boat after him in his honor and soon found another lover.
A markus model witch after her death became the new leader.
Witch lead to an endless cycle of Markus models leadership.
The followers of jericho would not trust anyone other model then a Markus model to lead them.So everytime a Markus died,the deviant would wait until their next leader came.
That continued on until the Markus we all know and love came to jericho.
And the choices you make on the game will decide wether or not that cycle will continue.
Sure Kara could take the place,but she has Alice and Luther(again,depending on the choices you make).So she cant just abandon Alice and go lead jericho,besides she doesnt know them.Shes a new Kara model.The only memories she has are the ones she made.
So yeah,theres always tge option were Connor could lead jericho after Markus dies.But the jericho people trust the Markus model
And besides,Connor has Hank yo take care of,so hes off the list as well.
The jericho people can only be truly loyal to one model only,and thats the Markus model.
But anyway,that my theory.
Hope you liked it.
Comment your opinions on thos theory.I would really love to hear some of yours and your opinions on mine.

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