Jeff x Caleb(OC's fanfiction)

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A special thanks to @rk900-313-242-317

He helped me come up with this fanfiction while roleplaying. Caleb is his character so all rights go to him.

Btw, Jeff is like a father figure to his friends, you'll understand this explanation later on




As Jeff parked his car, he looked at the crime scene. Apparently there was a pretty nasty murder that took place in that house.

Jeff got out of the car and started to walk towards said house, when he saw his good friend Caleb walking towards the same house. He smiled and continued on walking when all of a sudden he stopped.

He started to see everything in a bloody shade of red. Caleb saw that his friend stopped and rushed to see what happened. As he reached him heard Jeff say

"System shutting down in 10 minutes "

":0 oH hEcK" Caleb said starting to freak out

Jeff started to twitch and fizzle as if he was splashed with water (a/n: dont ask, just go with it)

"8 minutes left until deactivation" Jeff said, his voice glitchy

"nUuUu" Caleb said trying to think of a way to stop his deactivation

"4 minutes till deactivation"

"dOnT dEaCtIvAtE"

"2 minutes till deactivation"


"1 minute till your dad dies....I mean, till deactivation"


"10 seconds till deactivation"

" h e c c "

"9......8......7....6..." Jeff seemed to take a dramatic pause

">:) i can look at your android d i c c when you deactivate" Caleb said with a needy smile "I MEAN"


"Deactivation complete."

"System shuting down" Jeff's glitchy robot voice said before he shut his eyes

Caleb hands slowly reach for where Jeff's android dick is "kekekekeke"

An old lady saw Caleb's actions as she was walking down the street and yelled "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING BOY" she angrily stomps over to Caleb and slaps his hand "WHAT WERE YOU DOING MISTER?"

Caleb stood up and looked at the lady "INVESTIGATING A CRIME SCENE"

"WHERE WERE YOU GOING WITH YOUR HAND HUH?" the old lady asked, staring at Caleb


The old lady stared at Caleb "You better" she said as she started to leave still staring at him

Caleb stares back at her as she leaves. He waits until she left completely.

"time for ze gud succ" Caleb whispered wile licking his lips (a/n:The succ will reactivate Jeff)

As Caleb finished giving the best s u c c ever, he said "you better reactivate after this!"

Jeff opened his eyes "System reactivating"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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