Chapter 2

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Hi to my 3 readers!!!
Just a reminder to leave comments to help me improve my writing skill! Thank you and hope you are having a great day. Let's continue on with chapter two now!
*Nicky's POV*
"Everything will be fine Nicky. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

What the actual f—
I turned around so quickly, I felt whiplashed for a second. I swear I heard a voice... No it wasn't a voice, it was more like a whisper. It was... it was like someone was whispering in my ear. I could feel someone's hot breathe whisper into my But I didn't see anyone. Maybe it's my subconscious trying to make me feel better...
*Death's POV*
Did...did she hear me?
I could tell she was looking But how did she suddenly hear me? After all these years, how can she hear me now? I don't understand. I try not to talk after that, afraid that she would be able to hear me again and have a complete melt down in an airport security line. Hours later, when I finally see her boarding the plane, I let out a deep sigh. I really wanted to be by her side during this flight, but I really do have a job to do. Imagine Death not doing his job. The consequences are far to great. And I already am always behind schedule. I quickly departed from Nicky, hoping she would stay safe.
*Nicky's POV*
My nerves have been all over the place since I've heard that whisper. It was so soft, I swear it was like someone was talking in my ear. Now that I had finally boarded the plan, I had time to recollect my thoughts. My ticket says I had the aisle seat, which kinda sucked, but at the same time, since its a long flight from Washington D.C. to Seoul, Korea, I could use the bathroom without having to squeeze by someone awkwardly. I could also always get more food. I decided to take a deep breathe and try to relax. I soon dozed off too sleep...
I was engulfed in darkness. But it wasn't...bad darkness. It was like a comforting darkness. Comparable to the feeling of closing your eyes and hugging someone you love who is also taller than you, so that you are complete engulfed in their warmth. It felt so nice, I felt like I could stay like this forever.
I try to turn my body so I can find the direction of the voice that is calling me.
It's coming from right in front of me.
I see a dim light. I put my feet down, feeling the cold floor beneath me.
"Hello?" I yell, asking the darkness if anyone is there?
I walk closer to this light. The closer I walk to the light, I realize that the light is actually coming through a semi-closed door. I'm just waiting outside the door. Should I open it?
"Nicky, please"
Without thinking, my hand reaches for the doorknob. I push the door open to suddenly be in a room with six windows. Across from me is another door. I start walking towards the center of the room. I bend down to see a lamp holding a flower with six petals. What is this thing? When I finish examine the lamp, I stand up again, but when I do, there seems to be someone in front of me now. Someone with a black shirt, looking through one of those windows. Was he the one that called me here, to this place?

 Was he the one that called me here, to this place?

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Where am I and who is that person?
"Hello, Nicky." The person said. I gasped. This is the same voice I heard in the airport. I'm sure of it.
"Who—Who are you? Why did you call me here? What is this place???" I stammered, trying to make sense of all that's happening. The figure turned their head ever so slightly, so I can only see their profile.

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