Chapter 4

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*Jin's POV*
As I walked through the "magic" hallway that could take me to any realm between heaven and hell, I looked for the door that said "Archive Room." The archive room has the answers to all the questions I could possibly have. It also holds the information about everyone's life, living, dead, or those yet to come. I'll just find Nicky's book and see why I take her and how. I also need to see what I can do to prevent it. In the back of my mind, I could feel that her drifting away from consciousness.
Oh God
I have to hurry. I know I have a job to do as Death, but that can wait. Anyways, I'm doing everyone else in the world a favor by allowing them to stay with their loved ones longer, right? 

I quickly find the archive room and get out the keys. I quickly put the key in and turn it, then open the door. As I'm rushing to the wooden desk, I look around and see that the room hasn't changed one bit. There aren't walls and walls filled up with books. Its more like just a bunch of chairs and tables ready for a lot of people to read on them. As I get to the wooden desk, which by the way is magical like everything thing else so in no ways needs someone manning it, I say in a loud voice:
"The Life of Nicky Rosa, currently living, imprinted on by Death."
I have to state who I am looking for and if there are currently status: Dead, alive, not born yet. To make the search easier , I added that she was imprinted by me. There is only one person that I know that has ever been imprinted by a Death. 


Almost instantly, a book appeared in front of me. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't very small either. I would say it's the size of a geometry text book. I grab the book from the desk and go take a seat in the nearest chair. I quickly flip through the birth and her childhood, though I did feel a bit nostalgic as I glimpsed again at her past. Then I get to the "Future" part of her book. The future is the part that takes up the most part. It comes up with the most likely different scenarios for Nicky's future and puts them in the book. Of course there are infinite different scenarios, but only the more likely one are put in this book. There is a separate book with all the different scenarios but its a long-ass book and no one has time to read that.
I read through the current most likely scenario. Her death date, in this scenario, is in exactly a year from now. That will be the most likely date that I must take her from this realm. According to the book, the situation is that Nicky gets kidnapped... during a flight to South Korea.
SHIT!! She's on that flight right now. Is that why I felt like she was slipping away from consciousness? Was she... drugged up?
I kept reading.
When her kidnappers take her to be sold at an auction for human traffickers, they want her to make sure she does not resist a lot. They will drug her up with very addicting drugs so that she will want to keep taking them, eventually killing her in a year because of how deadly and addicting the drugs are.
I suddenly felt my stomach do a flip. I got to stop this before it all takes place. I take the book and put it in my cloak. Though I am not supposed to take anything out of the archives, since any books in the wrong hands can cause havoc in any realm, but my cloak will prevent anything from noticing the books disappearance. I quickly get out of the archives and unto the plane Nicky is on. The plane seems to be almost completely empty, except for the last few people getting off the place and the air plane attendants cleaning up the place. I try to quickly scan the plane. At the very back, I can see someone struggling to carry something.
I can feel it. It's her.
I am instantly beside her kidnapper, watching him struggle in carrying her, though he can't see me. I don't understand as to why the other attendants aren't doing anything to prevent this from happening. I really should not get involved as I am messing with the natural balance of things. But... how could I ever let something happen to her? I don't think I could-- my train of thought is quickly distracted when I see the kidnapper call over one of the other attendants to help him carry Nicky.
They must all be in on it.
I wanted to banish them to the hell realm where there souls would rot forever. I have the power to do so. All I would have to do is barely have my fingertips touch them and then they would suffer eternal sufferment.
But I can't. More like I shoudln't. If I do that, I could be breaking a sacred law.
I cannot interfere in human lives if it involves me delaying the death of someone. (Think Deathnote Shinigame Laws) If I kill the kidnappers I could potentially be prolonging Nicky's long awaited death, meaning I broke another sacred law. Heaven's been waiting for her for a while. Since the most likely scenario for Nicky is to die because of the kidnapping right now, the repercussions for this one could be very bad and could even cost me my powers. 
"She's a real pretty one, isn't she?" Said the first kidnapper.
"Yeah, she is. She'll be worth a lot for the boss." Said the second.
"Yah think she's a virgin? If she is one, she will be worth a whole lot more."
"Maybe, I don't know. It don't think it really matters anymore though. If she is a virgin, it won't really change anything since she will most likely be drugged up when the fuck her."
"Your right...maybe we can just confirm she isn't a virgin right now..."

I snapped

Without thinking, I grabbed my staff and hit both man with my staff. They instantly fell to the ground, their souls entering my orb on the staff. I only collected what I believed to be the worst types of people in this orb, sending them to be judged immediately, most likely to the Hell realm, so that they can be punished sooner and longer. If they were deemed to be the worst sort of mortals, the Judge would send the souls into the most scorching parts of hell. It was considered the worst eternal punishment ever. My hands were on fire, my black wings growing in my back. I could feel rage going through my body. The plane trembled, the Earth quaking a bit. I knew my rage was growing that soon I wouldn't be able to control myself. 

I waved my staff, which soon casted  a protective cover on Nicky. If she wasn't protected, I would kill her.
I started to walk towards the attendant I was sure had seen the kidnapper take Nicky and did nothing. I made myself visible so that they could see me. They looked petrified, their legs instantly buckling in my presence, lungs no longer filled with air. Paralyzed in fear, they could not make a sound. As I walked towards them, my wings started to stretch out and show themselves. In a single moment, my wings had completely widened. They were so strong and big that I cut straight through the airplane. I now was in front of them, looking down at them. I leaned forward, caressing their face and looking straight into their eyes, whispering: 
"Shhh, don't worry. Everything will be alright. You'll see them in hell"
With that, my staff hits their stomach, which causes their nose to bleed. At first, it was slow. But after 10 seconds, more blood started to drip and it came down faster. They fell to the ground, trying to hold their nose to stop the blood. It doesn't matter though. I know that in a couple of minutes, all their blood will be right in front of them. There will not be a single drop of blood in them. Their body will look like what they truly are in the inside. I look up noticing that there are a few more attendants running around in panic. I had caused to much mayhem and killed to many. I needed to leave and make sure no one would notice. I lift up my staff and make it hit the plane floor. Soon the attendants, who a few seconds ago had a petrified look in their eyes, looked like they were staring off to space. They soon calmly walked off the plane, as if nothing happened.  I turned around, quickly looking for Nicky. I was scared of touching her. Was I calm enough so that she wouldn't get hurt? I never touched her before, scared of my affects on her. She was after all, just a mortal. 

 I turn my staff into a car and use my magic to get Nicky in it. I never learned to drive since I never needed to, so I just make the car self-drive. I sit in the driver seat looking back at Nicky. Suddenly, I remembered about her book. As if something hit me, I quickly got it from my clock and I turned to the first page of her future. 

There is no longer a death date on the first page. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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