Chapter 1

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I was walking to my 6th new school cause I kept fighting other people in my other schools.


I punched one of the guys in the face,he slowly stumbles to the ground and fell down. The guy slowly got up and punched me in the stomach, I hold my stomach and push the guy on the ground punching him in the face

Principal: Y/N L/N, Jake Johnson, both of you in my office now.

I was in the office and my mom came in, the look on her face means she knows what it was, so she took me home.

Mom: Sixth times, this is the sixth time you have been expelled from another school *sigh*what should I do

Y/N: Who knows

End of flashback

A week later my mom found a school known as Voca High, and TBH, I'm really not ready for this. Before I walked in the school I see a yellow hair girl walked in the building looking sad, she must had a fight or someone she loved passed away. I walked in the school and noticed everyone was talking about me but I ignored it. As I walked in the hallways an orange hair girl bumped into me

???: Whoops, haha didn't see you there

Y/N: Whoops haha, get your eyes check weird girl

???: Hey, I'm not weird

Y/N: Oh really hmm, then your just some stupid little girl

???: I'm older then you, I'm 16

Y/N: 17, fight me, orange freak

???: I have a name, and that's Neru, everyone knows me

Y/N: Yeah cause your a bully, sorry but bullies don't scare me so you can just give up and scram

I walked away hearing her feet goes down in disappointment

Y/N(voiceover): Not even ten minutes and I already have an enemy

I walked inside a class and introduced myself

Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N L/N, I'm new and if any of you get in my way, I won't hesitate to kick your teeth in

Teacher: Umm, g-g-good introduction, Z-Z-Zetsune, please show M-M-Mr. L/N around

A girl with black stand up

Zetsune: Yes sir, I'll do my best

Y/N(voiceover): Great now I have to follow her around

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