Chapter 2

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Zetsune: You must really scared the teacher by saying those words

Y/N: Yeah well, I wasn't kidding what I was saying

Y/N and Zetsune were walking in the halls when everyone was screaming

Y/N: Umm, why is everyone screaming

Zetsune: Oh that's because one of the students here is like a goddess

Y/N: A goddess huh

And there was a girl with green hair coming towards them

Zetsune: That's her, Gumi Megpoid

Gumi and Y/N looked at each other, once she got close Zetsune bowed but Y/N just stand there looking confused

Gumi: You there, what's your name

Y/N: Y/N, Y/N L/N

Gumi: Well Y/N, when people see me they all bow for their goddess

Y/N: Yeah... if I'm going to bow I ain't bowing down to the girl I don't know so why don't you play goddess somewhere else

Gumi: One, I don't play goddess and two you have to bow weather you like it or not

Y/N: Hmph, okay, you have to try to make me b-

Before Y/N could finished his sentence Gumi kicked where it hurts

Y/N: Cheap *groans* shot *aahh* bitch

Gumi looked away

Gumi: Next time it'll hurt twice as much

She started to walk away as Y/N and Zetsune watched her walk away

Y/N: For a goddess, she knows how to use manners

Zetsune: Hehehe that's Gumi for you, come on let's go back to class

Zetsune carried Y/N back to the class room, a couple hours went by and it was lunch time, Zetsune went to her friends to have lunch in the cafeteria so Y/N sat alone eating

Y/N(voiceover): Alone finally

???: E-excuse m-me

Y/N(voiceover): God dammit

Y/N looked up and see a pink hair girl

???: U-um is it o-okay if I sit w-with y-you

Y/N: Yeah sure (voiceover) dammit I want to be alone for once, okay what does she want she can't be a bitch like that gumi girl or whatever her name is (image of gumi laughing at him)

???: O-oh, I haven't I-introduce myself, I'm L-Luka Megurine

Y/N(voiceover): Okay, guess she's just a stuttering girl

Luka: S-sorry I stuttered when I m-meet new people

Y/N(voiceover): Didn't have to ask. Oh, well since you introduced yourself my name is Y/N L/N

Luka: Y/N L/N, that's a nice name

???: Hey, what are you two doing

Both Y/N and Luka look and it was Gumi Megpoid

Y/N: Ah shit is the green hair bitch

Luka: Gumi, what is she doing here. Hi, Gumi what's up

Gumi: I don't know must of my friends left me I'll go ahead and hang with you

Y/N: No the fuck your not. Listen is there like a school rule where you only have to eat in your class

Luka: Other schools do that, but not us

Gumi: Yeah, besides I want to see how you talk to girls

Y/N: If you were a guy, I would totally hurt you right now

Luka: Come on Gumi, he's a nice guy

Gumi: He didn't bow to me

Luka: Not everyone has to bow, plus he's new

Gumi: Okay Y/N, you choose, what is your choice

Y/N: My choice is to be alone right now so leave me alone

??? POV

???: Y/N huh, I'll do my best for him to fall for me

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