little black dress

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ken and i are just sitting at the house, listening to the new one direction album that came out today, when she pauses the song that was currently on, which was fireproof. i give her a confused look. "okay, so your 18th birthday is next month. how do you want to celebrate?" she asks and i roll my eyes. "kj, your birthday was last week, do we have to talk about mine already?" i groan, she knows i don't like celebrating my birthday. "i know, i know. but you have to celebrate it. moms gonna make you. it's a big one, kai! you're legal this year!" she cheers.

"just let mom plan it or something, you know i don't care about it, ken." i shrug. "kaia, you know if mom plans it, it'll be a huge deal." she reminds me which makes me sigh loudly. "you're right, i don't want that." i agree and she nods. "i know you don't. do you want me to plan it? i'll keep it small, just a little thing." she offers and i think for a second before nodding. "sure." i agree, making ken smile, and do a small victory dance. "yes!" she throws her fist in the air. i laugh at her excitement.

"what time is it?" she asks me. "um..." i turn on my phone to check. "1:30. why?" i ask her and she quickly stands up. "shit, i'm late." she runs around, panicking to get everything she needs. "what time does the shoot start?" i ask her. "2 but it's a 45 minutes drive on a good day." oh my god, she's such a mess. she runs out the door before even putting her shoes on. "bye, kai! love you!" she yells as she slams the door behind her, leaving me hysterically laughing on the couch.

i hear the door open and shut. "jesus, ken. what'd you forget?" i laugh. "wrong person, love." a deep british voice says. "haz?" i ask, confused as harry walks into the living room. "well hello, kaia." he says, plopping down next to me on the couch. we sit in silence for a moment. "congratulations on the new album!" i tell him and he thanks me, but before too long, it's silent again.

"haz, not that i don't enjoy your company, but what are you doing here?" i finally ask him. "what? can't a guy just come over to his best friend's house just to hangout?" he smiles at me and i shake my head. "of course they can, but you always text me first to make sure i'm home, unless you're hiding something from me." his smile grows bigger. "haz, are you hiding something from me?" he shakes his head while doing his best to conceal a guilty smile. he looks like a seven year old child.

"okay..." i drop it even though i still think he's hiding something. we both watch tv for a while before harry quietly speaks. "okay so maybe i'm hiding something..." i roll my eyes and turn my attention away from brooklyn nine-nine, to harry. "what did you do?" i ask him, obviously annoyed at my best friend's antics. "well... it's more of what i'm going to do. or, i guess you would say 'we', what we're going to do."

"haz. cut the bullshit and tell me." i say seriously and he holds his hands up in self defense. "down girl." he nervously laughs as i give him a come on! look. "okay so i might be making you be my date to the album release party tonight." harry smiles a forced, but wide, smile at me, trying to make me hate his last sentence less. "ugh, noooooo." i groan as i dramatically flop back against the back of the couch. harry knows i tend to do as few media things as possible, considering it's been my life since i was a child.

"i know you don't want to, but come on. it's for me! your best friend! and i want you there so i'll hate it less." harry pleads. he also doesn't like these press, paparazzi filled events, but it's his band so he doesn't really have a choice. "fine. but s'only cause i love you. you owe me, styles." i point my finger towards him and he wraps his finger around mine, making a serious expression to match mine, which makes me smile.

"what time is the party?" i ask. "starts at 8 but there's a red carpet type thing that starts at 7." he explains and my eyes go wide. "7? haz, it's already past 2!" i stand up quickly. "i don't even know what i'm going to wear! what do you wear to these things?! i've got to do my hair and my makeup! there's not enough time for all of this-" i ramble, worriedly to myself before harry cuts me off. "nothing too fancy, and you can always call your hair and makeup team in, love." he reminds me, kissing my temple, which instantly calms me. "i'll pick you up at 6." he tells me and i nod. "okay. love you." i say as he walks towards the door. "love you!" he yells in response before i hear the door open and close.

i quickly call my best friend, harry's ex, taylor swift.

taylor: "hello?"
kaia: "hey, i need your help."
taylor: "what's up?"
kaia: "so harry invited me to the boys' album release party tonight but i don't know what to wear and harry's no help since he's, you know, a boy."
taylor: "okay i got you. did he give you anything to work with at all?"
kaia: "he just said it's not too fancy."
taylor: "hm... okay. let me think."
kaia: ...
taylor: "oh! what about that black dress you bought when we went shopping last week?"
kaia: "yes! you're absolutely right. thanks taylor, you're the best!"
taylor: "don't have too much fun, remember bff's exes are off limits!"
kaia: "i'm not getting with harry!"
taylor: "you better not be."
kaia: "bye, taylor."
taylor: "bye."

i call my hair and makeup girls, halle and myra, before getting dressed. they tell me they're on their way. i love them, they're so sweet and do so much for me. when they get to kendall and i's house, they immediately get to work. we joke around and talk while they do what they need to do, listening to one direction as we do so. yes, harry is my best friend. but that doesn't mean i can't jam to his music! one direction is awesome and more people should appreciate them!

when i'm completely ready, it's 5:47 so i say goodbye to the girls and continue dance around to 1D by myself. halfway into "back for you", i hear a knock at the door. knowing it's harry, i keep the music playing loudly, just to bother him. he hates that i listen to his music, he says it's "weird".

"hello, love. are you ready?" he asks me before noticing what i'm playing. "ugh, will you quit listening to my music?! you can't be a fan of your best friend."  he says as he fakes being annoyed. "watch me." i mutter as i pause the song and grab my purse, walking out the door, leaving harry behind me.

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