First and Last

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The lover said I know. 

And kissed his trembling lips. 

She touched his fingertips. 

And somehow they both knew. 

He's not coming home. 


The common room looked so warm.

So inviting.

It brought back so many memories.

One in particular comes to the front of my mind. 

"Promise me you won't leave me." I whisper into his chest.

Its the day after Dumbledore's death.

Every one is getting ready for the funeral.

Harry and I are in his dorm.

The rest of the boys were down stairs in the common room but we decided to stay up for another few minutes.

We needed time.

There's a pause and I know exactly what he's thinking. I pull away and look into his eyes.

"For how long?" I asks.

He looks down at my arms.

"How ever long it takes."

A single tear falls down my face as I lean into his chest again. We sit there for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

Eventually a series of sobs from downstairs brings us back to reality.

"We should probably go down." I whisper. He nods. As I stand up I realize that I hadn't finished zippering my dress.

"Can you zip me up please?" I ask and he nods again. I feel his hard yet soft hands touch my back slowly bringing the zipper up as if observing every inch. I laugh at the thought.

"What's so funny?" He asks with a small smile on his face.

"Nothing. Just you." I say turning around. His ears go red, causing me to laugh even more.

We stand there in silence until Harry leans down and kisses me.

Soft and gentle, as if I were made of glass.

The kiss sends chills up my spine. We break apart and I see that his eyes are no longer as dark as they were a minute before.

"I love you." He whispers.

I feel a swooping sensation in my stomach.

"I love you too." I whisper back before leaning in for another kiss. 


That was the first time we had told each other that we loved each other.

 It was also the last. 

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