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When you become numb you miss out on the most important things in life.


Week after week.

I stayed like that.

Yet it still did nothing.

Nothing happened.

Nothing will ever happen.

I'll probably be doing his exact same routine.

A loud bang on the door had awakened me out of my stupor this morning. I groan and drag myself our of bed, of course being me I slammed my toe into the same table at least three times before I made it to the door.

"Ginerva Weasley is you don't open up this instant I swear you won't like what I have to say!" Shouts a person from behind the door, the knocking never stopping.

I silently curse myself at the voice.

Of course, only she would wake some one up at the crack of dawn. I mean its only ten o'clock.

I swing open the door and Hermione groans at my appearance.

"What do you want?" I ask tiredly.


Sometimes staying awake a little longer is just what people need.

My Lost HeartWhere stories live. Discover now