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I think about you every single day.
I know that your standing your ground.
I know that you never meant so much pain.
But I'll miss you from the beginning to the vey end.


A week later I was found on the quidditch pitch, my badge shining on my chest, dozens of people in front of me waiting for instructions. I clear my throat and immediately the crowd quiets.
"Now, if you are a first year I am sorry but you may not try out today." I feel bad as a group of first years slowly get their things and walk away.
"Robinson, I know for a fact that you are not in this house, now get out." A tall, blonde haired boy my age stands up, smirking, and makes his way to his group of Ravenclaw friends. I roll my eyes as he grins at me.

Two hours later the try outs are over. I'm in the back tent, packing all of the supplies used during try outs. Hermione and luna are waiting outside.
I stand up from putting the bludgers back into their crate when Jack Robinson walks in the tent.
"You know your not supposed to be in here right?" He just smirks at me.
"Of course. But isn't that what you like? The bad boys?" My eyes widden with anger.
"Well Harry did break into Gringotts. And he also broke hundreds of rules while he was here, so why can't I?" He asks stepping closer.
"Well maybe because he wasn't and insufferable git. AND he was doing it for good. Unlike some people." I snap at him. He steps closer, barely taking in my words.
"Yes, he did didn't he. But it was all for fame of course." He mutters as he gets closer, too close, placing his hand on my cheek.
"Don't. You. Dare." I say through gritted teeth.
"Oh but I do." He mutters as he pulls his face closer to mine, his breath tickling my cheeks,
"I do dare compete against the saint Harry Potter." He whispers, his lips inches from mine.
"A bastard really."


"Is there a reason you slapped Mr. Robinson?" Asks Professor Mcgonagall later in her office. "He was in the changing tent when he shouldn't have been!" She raises her eyebrow.
"And?" She asks calmly.
"He tried to kiss me!"
Her lips thin.
"And?" She asks again.
"He insulted Harry." I mutter.
Her eyes immediately soften.
"Come here." She whispers as she pulls me into a hug, tears forming in my eyes. A minute later we pull apart.
"Listen sweetie. I know its hard and I know that some times it is confusing but you just have to go with it. I know exactly how you are feeling. You can't just explode like that though. I am still your head mistress so you will have detention Saturday." I nod. It is understandable. "But on the bright side its with me. And hopefully... Mr. Robinson's eye will be better by tomorrow." She says with a small smile. I give her a small laugh as I wipe my eyes.
"Now come on, you should get to bed before Peeves comes out." She says as she ushers me out of the room.


Some people say that there is a fine line between love and hate. But I disagree. I say that there is a fine line between love and the truth.

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