Chapter 4

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Violet shuffled to the karaoke bar in reluctance, popping her back from sleeping in. Creek followed her a few paces behind, admiring the way her back flexed with taunt muscles. They walked through the village this way, violet stretching and Creek watching in appreciation.

The two eventually found the meeting spot and hurried in to look for everyone. It was then that violet noticed that this was a troll only zone. She looked around to see pictures of previous karaoke contestant winners scattered across the walls. Some looked new while others looked lovingly worn, the frame dented and scraped in other areas; the old weathered wood accompanied by faded gold trim around the edges of the frame.

Violet looked to see a younger version of Poppy sitting next to a more smiling version of branch. While her sibling smiled softly, it was nothing like the male in the photo. The one in the photo had less worry lines and a less aged look in his eyes. When violet compared the two she came to the conclusion that the male in the photo must have been their father.

Creek padded forward to violets side, quietly looking over the picture she was starting at.

"Wow, Branch really looks like you guys' father. And he was a looker. No wonder majority of the female population just practically fell at his feet." Creek chuckled as he nodded his head. Violet's eyes softened as she looked over her father's picture.

" Yes, they both are exceedingly handsome. Borderline of pure sex on legs." Violet commented as she turned and froze when she saw said male standing there in shock.

" You guys think I'm handsome?" Branch asked, voice ebbed with disbelief.

" Borderline of sex on legs. Violet was nearly drooling!" Creek teased as he circled her in laughter. Both violet and Branch turned a dark purple as Creek replayed what violet said. As Creek was passing by on the 28th time, violet jabbed her elbow into his side harshly causing him to stumble.

Violet turned her head as she rubbed her arm, stepping up to branch. She nodded her head and shuffled around him, shivering when branches hand grazed her exposed side. She looked at him to see his shy smile that was accompanied by a blush. They nodded to each other and laugh softly, heading off to the table where they met up with the others.

"Hay guys! Did you find ... are you two alright?" Poppy asked as she looked over their faces. Branch and violet looked at her before looking in opposite directions. Poppy stared at them accusingly, and was only interrupted by a still giggling Creek. When he was finally able to breath without laughing, Creek whispered to poppy what had transpired just moments before.

"SHE REALLY SAID THAT?!" Poppy shouted gleafully, eyes turning toward the two burning trolls who pointedly looked away from each other. Poppy's outburst made violet turn a darker shade of purple and the snack pack turn confused stares to the four. Poppy giggled as she turned her 'We'll talk about this later' gaze toward violet.

"Let's get on with the songs everyone!" Poppy's smile distracted the group and directed them to the stage.

" I had Pansy, the owner of this fine establishment, write down all of the songs on her karaoke machine and place them in a bowl for us to randomly select." Poppy explained as a white troll strolled over, her baby yellow hair holding a bowl with strips of paper in it. In her hands was a platter holding up a variety of drinks, each one a different color.

" Ok we have peppermint twist for Branch; sunflower pop for smidge; sesame grotto for poppy, herbal tea for Creek; orange juice for biggie; water with lemon for Suki; A glass of tea with honey for cooper; a twin milkshake for satin and chenille; and an apple juice for fuzbert. Anything else before you start singing?" Pansy's sweet voice rolled off everyone and made them feel welcomed, all accept Violet.

" Um... can you show me your kitchen miss Pansy? I have a drink I specifically drink." Violet asked as she crossed her arms. And despite her stance, she was being very polite.

" Sure. Follow me sweety." Pansy smiled as she guided the gray troll to her cooking area. Once there Pansy watched violet scurry about the clean area. She watched as she blended some mangos and strawberries, mixing them with the grounded herbs.

As Violet worked, Pansy kept a close eye on her work. She watched as Violet added a teaspoon of sugar, a fresh mint leaf, and a drop of sunflower oil. This concoction, although looked strange, smelled heavenly.

" What was the grounded leaf you added called?" Pansy asked as she crept forward. Violet looked to her in amusement before answering.

"It's a healing herb I found in my travels. When I first found this plant I was traveling the frigid weathers of Larnica. The plant, I later learned, was called Tarenlogh. It had strong healing properties and the locals used it in their food to keep infections away.

"But when their troll genes mutated into something akin to the Tarenlogh plant, they had no need for it. So they mainly used it as a gift for visiting or for trading for much needed items." Violet informed Pansy. Violet expected to see Pansy bored with her explanation, but when she looked up she saw the fascination sparkling in her hazel eyes.

"Do you have any other stories to share?" Pansy asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but I need to get back to the group." Violet nodded to the door, but upon seeing pansy's crestfallen face she brought out a small wrapped package.

"Here," She said as she gently shook some seeds into her hand, handing them to Pansy before continuing," Have some seeds. You can grow them where it's the most coldest. The further apart you plant them, the more you get in between."

Pansy smiled at Violet and nodded vigorously.

"Can I sell this drink in my shop?'" Pansy asked shyly, looking at her nervoulsly. Violet stared at her for a minute before nodding slowly.

" YAY! I'll call it.... Healing burst. I hope that's acceptable." Pansy smiled even more when the other female nodded, then pushed her to the front towards her friends. Pansy sat down Violets glass before heading back to her kitchen. The group stared at Violet in wonder, who only gave them a confused stare in return.

" Anyway, back to our activity for the day." Poppy beamed as she pointed to Biggie, who chuckled nervously before reaching in a few large but dainty fingers in. While the group was busy with the song Biggie was singing, which violet didn't recognize, branch whispered to Violet.

" Mind if I try your drink?" Branch asked as he pushed forward a taste testing cup. Violet nodded, and gustured for Branch's own drink. The two siblings nodded and poured out a small amount into the taste cups, sliding it to the other.

They looked to each other before lifting their tasting drinks, and sipped the concoctions slowly. Violet was the first to finish and moaned in delight, and smiled when branch had mimicked her. They then decided to switch drinks, finding their new favorite drinks and continued to watch the others hop up on stage to sing.

When Pansy came back with refills she smiled when she saw Branch and Violet switch without even looking. By the time Pansy left the table poppy had hopped off the stage and sat next to branch. She looked windswept and tired, but otherwise had a giant grin stretching her bright pink face.

"Alright!" She declared, clapping her hands, "Second to last one up, branch! You have two slips left so chose one."

Branch looked to Poppy nervously, nodding as he stuck his hand into the bowl. After his hand swirled around for a few seconds he finally stopped above the one on the left. He grabbed the paper and pulled it out to read it.

"Oh no..." Branches face turned a slight purple as he blushed brightly, looking up to Poppy.

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