My Summer Routine

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I love summer it means I get to do all the things I love to to do like sleep in! I think I hold the record for most sleep in a day. One day I slept for 27 hours straight! I don't get to do as much since I spend my summers on tour since I shoot the show six to nine months every year five days a week but when I do I really soak it in.

I have hard time getting up but I eventually get my self up and get ready to head to the beach.

First I get up and use mouthwash then I put in my contacts and brush my hair then I do skincare. I like toners. I'm all about a good toner before I put my moisturizer on. I can't just put moisturizer on – I have breakouts because I work out. I don't actually get zits or acne, I just get these red marks where it's, like, about to break out and it shows up like a rash on the side of my face. So I like for it to feel like zingy clean with toner. I usually use Elizabeth Arden or I use Neutrogena... I use a couple of different toners actually. Then I like La Mer – I think it's beautiful – but I haven't found a toner that goes with La Mer yet actually. I always wear a good moisturiser and I use sunscreen now, since I spend a lot of time outside. Use an SPF 50 or above because I promise you, your going to pay for it later. It's funny up until, like, 32, I didn't. I love to play with products too and a spray of perfume is also a must. Then I put on my swimsuit I love buying  lot's of new bathing suit's in the summer! After putting on my bathing suit I then mix Bumble and Bumbles Deeep Hair Mask and Jergans Shea Butter lotion together to protect myself from the salt water or chlorine. I would either go to the beach or the pool. One reason I love going to the beach is because it gives me a chance to wear my big floppy straw hat.

Then I go downstairs for breakfast and have honestly whatever's in the kitchen and then after breakfast I go brush my teeth, grab my pool bag and out the door and head to the pool with my friends, which is only four minutes away or sometimes we'll drive to the beach, which is about a 15 minute drive but it's worth it we usually get there around lunchtime. 

When we get to the pool and lay down are beach towels on the chairs and tan all morning (yes I'm a sun worshiper) and I go lifeguard watching and then once lunch hits we pull out mom's old Macy's shopping bag filled with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with grapes.

Then I will go for a dip and during adult swim play volleyball and sometimes we get so distracted that we end up forgetting that we can go back in. I love that summer gives me time to get more exercise in a fun way! Eventually it's time to pack up and go home for dinner but not before we stop to get frozen yogurt first.

After dinner we'd have rocky road ice cream for desert. My family likes to have rocky road ice cream but my parents don't know I've had ice cream earlier. I love hanging out with my folks.

Then I go in my room text my friends, go on social media and catch up on shows I've DVRd or the latest show I've been binge watching lately and then I get ready for bed.

But I like to do other things too!

1. Shopping (Especially at thrift stores) Especially bathing suits I love buying lots of bathing suits and buying things that are white. (Any bright color's too!) it also gives me time to Reorganizie my closet and finally getting rid of all the junk I haven't worn in age's!

2. Seeing my relative's in Connecticut who I haven't scene in a while.

3. Dancing

4. Hanging poster's of my latest celebrity crush on my bedroom wall.

5. Grilling in the backyard.

6. Going to the movie's.

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