Chapter Two

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   I take my Spider-Man mask out from my backpack, flop down gently on my bed, and put it on. 'Maybe seeing what Karen can do will take my mind off the pain.'

   "Hello Peter." The A.I. greets.

   "Hey Karen." I reply back.

   "Are you aware that your internal temperature is 104.9 degrees?" She asks.

   "No, but-"

   "Would you like to contact Mr. Stark? He would want to know if you are sick." Karen says with what I think is sympathy.

   "Karen, I know calling him is a good idea, but I just- I don't know. They'll be home in like, 5 hours. I think-" I'm interrupted again by the sound ringing. I changed my mind, it wasn't sympathy.

   "Mr. Stark, Peter has a rising fever of 105.2 degrees." Karen says to my Dad.

   "What? Peter, are you alright?" Tony answers.

   My face goes pale. My spider sense kicks in and I rip off the mask, tossing it on the bed. I make a mad dash to the bathroom and puke in the toilet. I lay my forehead on the cool porcelain, waiting for the next wave of sick.


   A sound echos through my head, I look up and try to decipher it. I tilt my head back, resting it against the bathroom wall. I pull my knees up to my chest and realize the sound is my own breathing. I groan miserably, wondering if my parents will show up. 'Dad already knows I have a fever, he must have told Pops. They're probably gonna be here soon.'

   "Peter!" I hear being called out, it sounds like Pops. I try to reply, but a gag stops me. I then see my parents in my room, they walk up to me, worried looks painting their faces. "Peter, Dad told me you have a fever and we rushed here as fast as possible." I just stare at him with glossy eyes. "Are you feeling alright?"

   Dad sees what's in the toilet. "Definitely not." He flushes it and washes his hands.

   Pops picks me up, carries me to my bed and sets me down. "Tony, could you go get a water bottle?"

   "Yeah." He leaves to go get it, which I'm guessing is for me. I get comfy and subconsciously cuddle my Captian America's shield pillow. Dad comes back with a water and grabs my trash can to put at the side of my bed. "Here." He hands it to me.

   "Did you know you were sick before we left?" Pops asks.

   "No, I mean, I don't know." I pause to heal my sick throat with some water. "I kinda pieced it together when I texted you guys about my headache. What truly gave it off was when the world was spinning like a carousel and the walls became hypnotic patterns." My voice cracks and I drink more water.

   "We'll take care of you kiddo." He ruffles my hair. "Maybe Capsicle can make you some soup?" I look at my Pops with puppy dog eyes.

   Steve smiles, "Alright, I'll make you soup."


   I feel much better, no more nauseating feelings, no more dizziness, it's great! Just one problem, I need to do my Spider-Man patrolling. I look at the clock, it's 9:36. 'They're not asleep, but I could make the covers all lumpy so they'd think I'm sleeping. I could seek out if-' My thoughts are intruded by a knocking on my door.

   "Peter, can we come in?" Says the sweet voice of my 99-year-old father.

   "Yeah. Why are you guys in here so late?" I ask them.

   "We just wanted to know what you were going to do today, if you weren't sick." Dad states, he sits on the bed beside me.

   "I was gonna patrol the neighborhood." I answer. 'I'm still gonna do it.'

   "That's what we wanted to talk about, promise us you won't leave the house." Steve stresses.

   "What do you mean?" I ask nervously while looking down, fiddling with my fingers.

   "He means, you can't leave this goddamn house to patrol as Spider-Man." Tony insists. He crosses his arms.

   "Tony." Steve gives him a scolding look. "Peter, we just want you to stay safe."He kisses my forehead. Dad ruffles my hair. "Can you promise us you won't leave?"

   I look up at my parents and cross my fingers behind my back. "I promise."

   "Now go to bed. I don't want you to wake up more exhausted than usual." Tony demands.

   "Okay." 'This fucking sucks.' "Night, love you." I pretend to look sleepy.

   "Goodnight Peter, I love you." Pops replies.

   "Night kiddo." Dad adds.

   They leave and I immediately get up, heading for my backpack. I grab my Spider-Man costume and put it on.

   "Peter, you should really go to bed." Karen insists.

   I sigh and say an override code. "Karen, command sequence: Arachnid twenty-three." 'I'll have to do the same for F.R.I.D.A.Y.' "F.R.I.D.A.Y., command sequence: Arachnid twenty-three."

   I open up my window, and let my webs fly.

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