Chapter One

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   "Are you sure you'll be alright, all by yourself?" Steve pushes with his words as he grips his luggage handle tightly. He, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision are headed on a two day mission. They won't tell me the details on it.

   "I'll be fine, Pops, you don't have to worry." I tell him. The air outside Stark Towers is crisp with the autumn air. It's warm for New York at 4pm. I'm almost regretting wearing my Star Wars sweater.

   I can already Happy is getting impatient. He's their designated driver. He clears his throat loud enough to be heard.

   "Okay, Happy, we'll hurry up." Tony and Steve pick up their bags, and hug me goodbye. "Love you kiddo."

   "I love you Peter." Steve kisses me on my head. "We should be back before Friday at nine. If anything bad happens, call us."

   I nod and reply, "Bye, love you Dad, love you Pops." I wave at them as they enter the limo. "See you tomorrow night!"

   "Remember the rules, kid." Tony reminds me. "No parties, no drinking, no drugs, and especially no Wade."

   "Yeah Dad, I know." I will not be abiding to that last rule, that's for sure. We wave goodbye again and the limo drives off. I sigh, my breath condensating from the cold air. I turn around, and head back into the towers.

   I get to my room and rummage through my backpack, seeing if I have any homework I forgot about. M.J. told me to always assume there's math homework, and there is. I take it out and put it on my desk. I stare at it for about a minute before coming to the conclusion that I was not paying attention in math.

   I grab out my phone and call Ned. "Hey man."

   "Hey Peter." He answers. "Are gonna ask me the help with superhero stuff?" Ned whispers that last part.

   "What, no. I wasn't focusing in math, can you help me out with the homework?" I ask him.

   "Sure, but why are you doing your homework so early?"

   "I want to invite Wade over while my parents are away. And I definitely can't have him here while I do homework." A sharp pain hits my head and I groan.

   "Dude, you okay?"

   "Yeah, I-" I inhale through my teeth and rub my temples. "I'm gonna call you back in like, five minutes. But on Skype."

   "'Kay." Ned hangs up.

   I text the family group chat.

Can I take a couple ibuprofen for my headache? - Peter

Sure - Dad

Don't take anymore than two at once. - Pops

   I get up and go to Pops and Dad's bathroom. I look through their medicine cabinet and take a couple ibuprofen. I start to head back to my room, but I'm stopped by a sudden dizziness. The world spins, I stabilize myself with a wall. Eventually, I feel like I won't fall. I walk carefully to my room and call Ned on my laptop with Skype.

   "Okay, so the homework-" I start to say.

   "Dude." Ned interrupts me. "You look really pale. Are you okay?"

   "I'm fine. Just help me with the homework, please?" I sigh.

   I eventually finish my homework and promptly fall asleep.

---------******The Next Day******---------

   I wake up and check my alarm. It didn't go off, it's 8:00. I scramble out of my bed and rush to get all my stuff together for school. I get dressed and sprint to Happy, who's waiting in the garage to take me to school.

   "Hey, sleepy head." Happy greets me as I shuffle in the car. "Finally decided to go to school?" I don't respond, I'm winded, trying to catch my breath. I cough, it sounds horrible. "You alright, Peter?"

   "Yeah."I grunt. I wipe my sweaty forehead. 'Today is gonna be awful.'


   School wasn't as bad as I thought, it was worse. In English, I got into a coughing storm, in Math, I sneezed on the homework that I ended up getting a poor grade on, and in P.E., I gagged when a kid threw a dodgeball at me. I couldn't even eat my lunch.

   I walk from school into my usual empty, closed off alley and change into my Spider-Man suit. I leave my book bag in a safe spot and web onto a building. My spider sense tingles, but I can't stop my web flinging me. I smack into the building and stick onto the wall. My head aches, the walls swirl, and I fall, effectively hitting my head on the edge of a dumpster, and scaring a cat. I yelp in pain.

   "Dammit." I whisper. I stand up with the help of the dumpster. I then proceed throw up, in said dumpster. I change back into my street clothes and call Happy to pick me up. 5 minutes later a car pulls up, I shoulder my backpack, and get in.

   I decide not to tell Happy what happened. I walk up to my room.

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