-Love me love me love me-

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    Four months had gone by, Tori spending three of them as a puppet to everyone, but eventually, Tori needed someone to make happy in order to function. She made up personalities to be more likable. What was she with no personality? She felt empty, no emotion, no expression, no opinions, no life.

       Tord sent Tori on a mission for assassination, she was good at those, since she felt no pity for the subject. She was now on top of a large building, watching a car drive by. She recognized the license plate and followed it, jumping from roof to roof. Once the man stopped out of the car, she shot, missing. She shot again, missing a second time. By now the man and his security were scrambling, trying to get to safety.

     Tori shot at him continuously, but because he was moving so much she couldn't get a clear shot. Once everyone was inside and where there were security cameras, Tori left. She called Tord. "I failed... please forgive me.." was all she said. Tord sighed and said in a flat, but threatening tone "Come back here, now." then hung up. Tori felt something, something she hadn't felt for a while. Fear.

     Tori delayed her return as much as she could, it was quite unusual. She had never failed Tord before. She didn't know what he would do. Tori made her way back to him slowly. She kept thinking she shouldn't go back. She shouldn't. Tori felt her body not wanting to work, she remembered vaguely what it was like to be so scared she almost felt paralyzed. She couldn't feel that anymore.

       She couldn't feel anything. Her body seemed to on it's own, functioning as if she were paralyzed in fear. She forced it's movement. She made it to Tord's office door. She couldn't move anymore. She was worn out from forcing her body to come all this way. She could barely lift her arm to reach the door handle, before the doors opened for her. Tord looked at her. "Took you long enough. Sit down." She walked in, sitting on a chair near where Tord had sat down. "You wanted to see me?" she looked at him, tilting her head slightly.

     "Yes. about how you... failed." He glared at her. "This is your first time doing so, so you just get a lecture." Tori looked uncomfortable. "Tord, I don't know what happened I just-" Tori managed before Tord put his hand over her mouth. "Shut up and listen." Tori shut her mouth and looked at Tord. Tord sat, looking at her.

      "I'm quite dissaponted in my, supposed to be, successor. Since you're basically just another version of me, I thought I could train you... and I did. I made you the perfect soldier, I take care of you, I make sure certain people don't find you. But what do I get in return? I get an unlovable disappointment!" he loosened his muscles a bit. "My apologies, I got a little mad there. But I don't want to see you, get out of my sight."

      Tori walked out, she fell to her knees and held her chest. There was an unbearable pain, her eyes felt like they were doing to overflow with tears. She remembered this feeling. It felt like someone had shot her. She cried, she could finally feel something. Her thoughts hurt, but she couldn't stop. "After everything I've done for him, I only messed up once, does he not love me, will I ever be able to gain his trust again, why didn't I just shoot him, god I'm such an idiot, I hate him" It kept going.

    About two months went by without Tord and Tori talking, they finally met and talked about everything. from then on Tord and Tori were almost inseparable. The one time they separated was for missions. Tord had to get intruders out of the base, and Tori went to rob an enemy base.

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