Chapter 2

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Thank you all so much for your patience, I know I write super slow. Hopefully with time I'll get a little faster. I just wanted to add another abbreviation to the list. f/f- favorite flavor of ice cream. Again, I hope you enjoy this new chapter, and there will be more coming soon. Love you all! :3


Hiyori left soon after setting up a meeting with this boy. I was still unsure about the whole thing as I walked her out the door. 

What is this guy even like? Hiyori seemed a bit too eager for me to meet up with him. She better not think this is a date, I don't need that.

As I pondered these things, my mind filled with suspicions and doubt. My frown grew the more I thought about it, and I had to shake my head for clarity. 

If you're going to meet this guy, you have to keep an open mind. 

Straightening my back, I wander aimlessly around the kitchen. The sun was at its peak, the strong glow filtering through my window. Light stretched across the living room, warming the cushions and carpet. Half of me wanted to give in to the temptation, but I knew nothing productive would come from laying on my couch. I gave a half-hearted sigh and checked the refrigerator. A large groan escaped my lips when I found each rack barren of food. Now I had to get out of the house regardless of my hesitation. I slammed the door shut again and went to change out of my jogging clothes. 

As I enter my room, the heavy scent of perfume hit me like a wall. The odor was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I really shouldn't have bought so much for the interviews. Holding my breath, I look around the pure white room to find my closet. Sliding open the mahogany doors, I find a large pile of clothes tumbling towards me. Rolling my eyes, I look to find a pair of jeans and a simple short sleeved f/c shirt. Quickly slipping these on, I hop over to the mirror on my dresser across the room. Checking my hair, I realize that it's badly matted, so I raked a comb through it a few times. When it finally laid down, I slipped on my black converse. Lying on my unmade bed, I take a quick break. Glancing around my room, I realize my closet isn't the only mess I have to clean. 

Clothes and books were everywhere, and the makeup on my dresser was knocked over or spilled. Since there were no windows to speak of, the room was lit by a single lamp. The only objects I keep spotless are old photos of me and my friends. They were lying in a stack on my bedside table. I promised myself I would clean after shopping. I fed Milord, who thanked me with a soft meow, and ran out the door with the little money my parents left me for food. The air felt hot and stifling compared to this morning. A glare on my face, I walk to the grocery store a block away. When I enter, a blast of cold air hits me square in the face. I just continue through the crowded aisles to the ice cream. If I want to survive all these interviews, I'll need some fuel. However, on my way to the freezer section, I hear a high-pitched squeal of delight. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite remember where I heard it before. As I approached, the noise mixed with a deep, serious voice.

No, it can't be...

Before I can even turn the corner, I hear the little voice shriek, "_______!" I barely process that someone is running towards me, and had no time to prepare when she pounced on me. "_______, it's been so long since I last saw you! How have you been? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" she says with a playful nudge. All the questions catch me off guard, and all I can say is, "Nice to see you too Kofuku." Still enwrapped in an awkward hug, I see Daikoku walk slowly towards us. I smile, angling my head towards his form. I don't get a response; it was obvious he was as tired as I felt. "My lady, we should probably be getting home for some lunch..." he starts to say before Kofuku cuts him off. "So _______, I want to know how college has been, I haven't seen you since high school!" My face turns pink in embarrassment, and I can't look her in the eye. "Well, I never actually went to college..." I trail off. I wait for the disappointment in her face, but it never comes. "Really? Well, then you must have a nice job. I can't imagine you with anything less." Her voice was bursting with pride. 

I shuffle my feet, not sure how to explain my situation without sounding like a complete failure. Her smile falters a bit. "Are you actually unemployed?" The excited voice from before faded, and her lips pursed in concern. "Trust me, I'm fine, Hiyori's helping me and she even got someone for me to relate with." I had a hurried tone, trying my best to ease her worries. "Oh? Who are you meeting up with?" Her voice relaxed and she sounded hopeful again. "I'm not really sure, Hiyori never described him super well." I frown again, slightly annoyed at the lack of information I was given. "Well, if she said anything about this person, what was it?" The curiosity was evident on her face. Her pink hair bobbed as she hopped from the excitement. "She said this guy was unemployed, and came on a bit strong. That's it." I shrug. The short description must have triggered a memory, because her smile turned into a smirk. "Oh really? He seems like a nice guy. I hope you two get along." Her voice was playful, almost teasing. She turned to Daikoku who watched this whole interaction in silence. "We should get going, I bet _______ needs some time to prepare for her date tomorrow." 

The smile never left her face as she sprinted out the door in a fit of giggles. Poor Daikoku follows, calling her name the whole time. Grumbling in irritation, I snatch a tub of f/f ice cream and smack it down in front of the nearest cashier. 

I knew it! Hiyori must have picked out this guy as a possible date. I have half a mind to stay home tomorrow.

But as I walk home, the feelings of hostility ebb away. I know Hiyori wants to help me get a job. I shouldn't draw any conclusions without evidence. As I step into my apartment for the second time, I can feel the exhaustion in my limbs. Every muscle shrieked at me to lay down, so I put the ice cream on the marble countertop and fall into the couch. The feathery cushions were a relief for my aching joints. I fall asleep in the fading light of the afternoon, hopeful for the next day.

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