Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for waiting for such a long time! I'm definitely not going to take this long in the future. I hope you enjoy and I'll be updating soon. f/d: favorite drink



A distant voice shouts through my tired ears. Still in limbo between sleep and the waking world, I roll over, blocking out the sound.

"_______! If you don't wake up right now I'm throwing Milord at you!"

The voice, even more insistent made my ears ring. Stubborn as ever, I ignore the voice, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. A moment later I feel a furry weight walking towards my face. Giving up on the sleep I fought so hard for, I slowly open my eyes. As they focus, I see an angry Hiyori glaring down at me, and Milord purring on my chest. 

"You better have a good explanation for sleeping through the afternoon." Arms folded in front of her, she waited for my response. "I-I just felt really tired and didn't quite make it to my bed." I stuttered. Scooping Milord in my arms, I grudgingly stand so I am eye level with Hiyori. Frowning, I say, "Why do you care anyway? Did I miss something?" Her eyes narrowed, Hiyori said, "You will in five minutes unless you hurry up." Recognition flashed in my eyes. "Oh no, don't tell me I'm meeting this mystery guy today." All Hiyori could manage was a nod of disapproval. A look of pure horror on my face, I race to my room and tear off yesterday's clothes.

I hope this guy doesn't think I don't want to see him. Man I'm such an idiot.

Throwing on a clean pair of jeans and a button up white blouse, I rush back to Hiyori, who was holding my shoes. Hopping on one foot I slip them on, the same impatient look on Hiyori's face. She takes a step back to look at me. "Close enough." Slightly annoyed but too rushed to care, I sprint out the door to Hiyori's red Toyota. When we both strap ourselves in, she gives me the expected lecture. "I was just coming to make sure you were ready, and what do I find? You're asleep on your couch without a care in the world! How on earth could you forget? We just talked about it yesterday!" Her tone became increasingly harsher, and I shrunk under her obvious disapproval. "I'm really sorry, it's not like I meant to forget, I was just really tired..." I trail off, not quite sure how to explain myself. Taking one look at my face, her eyes soften. "I know it's been hard for you to find a job, but you really have to remember these things." Looking down at my folded hands, I mentally slap myself for my forgetfulness. "Trust me, I really want to find a job, and I admit I might need a little help from this guy." It was true, although it hurt my pride. Understanding flitted past her features before she brightened. "Well that's what this date...I mean meeting is for!" I instantly look up to give her a stare that could crack stone. Shifting uncomfortably, she speeds through a red light to escape my glare.

A few moments later we arrive at the coffee shop we discussed. Still scowling, I get out of the parked car and smooth my blouse. Looking around, I see small tables outside of the quaint coffee shop. Through it's large windows, I see hurried baristas serving every type of drink and placing them on the granite serving counter. The intoxicating scent of coffee wafted from the open door, almost welcoming me. Glancing upward, I see a smooth wooden sign above the doorway reading "Calamity Café". 

What kind of name is that?

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and spin around to see Hiyori's sunny smile. "Well, he doesn't seem to be here yet, per usual. You want to find a seat outside?" Nodding, still slightly peeved, I pick a spot under a shady oak tree. Leaning back in my chair, I wait for one of the waiters rushing around me. "Hello, my name's Yukine, may I take your order?" I look up to see a small teenaged boy standing over me. His blonde hair is slightly ruffled, and amber eyes stare into my soul. "H-Hi, I would like a f/d p-please." I stammer, embarrassed at my shaky voice. He turns to Hiyori and instantly grins. "And what would you like my dear?" The laughter was prominent in his voice. "I'd like a caramel macchiato, extra caramel." Her giggle was barely audible as he turned to deliver our order. "Do you know him?" I ask, although the answer is obvious. "Maybe", she responds, looking past me.

I twirl around and find a tall figure leaning on the back of my chair. His dark blue hair laid flat around his face, a small tuft in front of his nose. His blue tracksuit was unzipped to show a white undershirt. Even though the weather is heating up, he wears a fluffy light blue scarf. His face was only inches away from mine, and my face heated. Smirking, he gets up and sits across from me, his ice blue eyes cold with warm edges. "So, you must be the girl I've heard so much about." That annoying smirk never left his face. "What have you heard about me?" I ask, shooting Hiyori a look. "Oh, the usual, that you were desperately looking for help with unemployment, and I just happened to be exactly what you need." His smile was insufferable. "And what exactly do I need?" I couldn't keep the growl out of my voice. Spotting my obvious hostility, Hiyori interjects. "Yato, this is _______, _______ this is Yato. Let's try to get along, ok?" She gives me a nudge under the table. Taking a deep breath, I ask, "Well, how long have you been unemployed?" He leans back and shrugs. "About as long as I can remember, so I'm a professional. I still get by pretty well thanks to Hiyori here." She laughs and says, "Sooner or later I'll be bankrupt from the amount of food he eats." They both share a look while I awkwardly wait for Yukine to come with our drinks. Every move that Yato makes seems to be full of arrogance, and he gives me the same flirty glance the whole time. 

After a few more minutes of my silence, glasses were set in front of me and Hiyori. As he smiled at each of us, he spots the newcomer across from me. Giving Yato a smirk he whispers something in his ear and walks off. Does everyone have an inside joke or something?  Growing slightly irritated I gulp down half my drink. Breaking the silence, Hiyori says, "I feel like both you and Yato can go online and apply for job interviews together. Maybe if you have a buddy it will help." Heaving a sigh, I agree, but this buddy might be a pain. Smiling, Hiyori continues, "Great! Maybe you should come back here without me, I'm pretty busy, and today was just about introductions." Silently, I beg Hiyori with my eyes to come with me on the next meeting, I might not be able to handle him alone. However, she doesn't look at me and instead turns to Yato. He gives me a cheesy grin and says, "I don't know, maybe she can't handle my charm." His arrogance made me seethe. "Yes, because egotism gets you all the ladies." Ignoring my blatant sarcasm, he smooths back his hair. "So, are you going to turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity?" His voice, flirty as ever, just fueled my anger. Hiyori, glancing at me again, gives me a look that begs me to accept the invitation. Having to bottle my anger yet again, I say, "Fine, I wonder if your moves will get better by then." He smirks and stands up from his chair. "Well, I should be going, see you later _______." With a self-important strut, he melts into the crowded sidewalk. Turning back to Hiyori, I say, "You can't be serious." Her laugh is the last thing I hear before I walk myself home.

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