Chapter 1

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My name is Martha Cruton and i come from the darkest wizarding family in all of England. The death eaters praise us and want to be us while every other wizard in the world is completely terrified. Not like i could blame them, my dad could get pretty scary. Not to mention he was one of Voldemorts faveorites.

There was a good and bad side to my father being on Voldemorts good side. The good was that he wasn't going to kill us, unless if we disobeyed him. The bad was that he would always host meetings at our house with his fellow death eaters. I wasn't allowed to sit around the table with them because my mother said i was to young. And frankly i didn't want to anyway.

I had come in contact with Voldemort myself. He had known me since i was a baby. I never talked much to him but i bowed whenever he walked into the house. He looked at me as if i was a prised possesion. Why you ask? Because i was unlike any other wizard. I was strong; the best in my year at Hogwarts.

From a young age i had been able to do things that no other wizard my age was able to do. During my second year at Hogwarts i had taught myself how to make a patronus that was the shape of a pheonix.

Like i said, Voldemort looked at me as if i was a prised possesion. He knew that when i came of age i would be the best weapon and wizard he would ever have on his side. Everyone else knew it too. Deep down though, i didn't want to be a death eater, and i didn't want to support the dark arts. Even if some spells were pretty cool.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about my life at Hogwarts. Currently i am a sixth year, no i'm not a prefect but i don't really mind. I'm the chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team. Yes, the sorting hat put me in Gryffindor. I'm as shocked as you are. Even though i didn't want to be in Slytherin i sitll thought i was going to end up there; being that my entire family was put in Slytherin. I got a howler the day after from my parents, they were furious. I brushed it off though, they never really scared me like they scared other people. I guess because i'm just used to it.

Like i said I'm on the quidditch team. I'm a chaser. For some reason i love being in the air. I love the wind blowing through my hair and the feeling of being free. It was a feeling like no other. I had dreams that i would fly, lik i was a bird. There were many times that i wish i was a bird. To just fly, not go anywhere just fly.

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this story! It is a Marauder Fan Fiction mostly based around Sirius Black <3  (my favorite marauder). Also i'm not british so sorry if i get some of the words wrong

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