Chapter 28

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The next morning all eyes were on me. The story had gotten around quickly but thankfully most of the cuts and bruises were gone. Molly told me that she would finish healing them later on that day.

"It was that bad huh?" Severus asked. We were sitting out next to the lake under a beach tree. This was one of the last warm days of September; October was around the corner.

"Yeah. Qwaty kept using the crucatious curse, and the imperius curse,"

"You fought back though right?"

"Well, once i got in there he hit me with the crucatious curse and my wand flew out of my hand. I couldn't do anything until i got enough strength to grab it," i looked down playing with my fingers.

"What's wrong?"

"Sirius..." i said. I hated not telling him what happened to me. I saw the pain in his eyes and how he wanted to know, he wanted to help me. It sucked.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Absolutely not!" at that moment Sirius walked out of the Hogwarts castle with the rest of the marauders. It was Friday and everyone was sitting outside not having to worry about homework until Sunday. Severus noticed that my eyes had wandered somewhere else and turned around and saw me staring at Sirius.

"Have you guys gone on a date yet?"

"We're not even dating so we can't really go on a date,"

"Okay then let me rephrase that. Have you guys had alone time yet?"

"Not really..." Sirius was walking closer and closer to us i looked away so that he didn't notice i was looking at him. He walked in front of me and Severus, looked at me, then kept walking. I'm sure that if it was just me and him he would have stopped and talked to me. Instead Remus stopped.

"Are you okay mate?" asked James. But Remus ignored him, he just looked at me.

"Mate," said Peter trying to get his attention. Remus went to say something to me but stopped, he had a concerned look on his face.

"Sorry..." he said after a while. "I thought i forgot something," he lied and quickly walked away leaving James, Peter, and Sirius confused.

"What's up with him?" whispered Severus.

I shrugged. "Who knows... Oh! What time is it?" he looked at his watch.

"3:30, why?"

"I gotta go, Molly's finishing up cleaning up my wounds,"

"Alright," he said and i ran into the castle to the Gryffindor common room. Since everyone was outside Molly was able to clean my wounds while i laid down on the couch. We had gotten much closer as friends over the two sessions of her healing me; when Arthur walked in.

He walked over and gave Molly a peck on the cheek and said hello to me. "Are you guys almost done?"

"Yeah, almost. Why?" asked Molly.

"Because Dumbledore said that he was looking for you Martha,"

"For me?"

"Yeah, he said you guys had a meeting or something today?"

"Shit! Yeah! Oh my gosh i have to go! Thank you so much Molly!" i said as i ran out. I had forgotten that it was mine and Dumbledores first phoenix lesson of the year.

In a matter of seconds i was in Dumbledore's's office panting.

"I'm so sorry" breathe "I completely forgot" breathe "About the lesson today" breathe.

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