Chapter 2: Morning stabbings and unexpected blushing?

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The next morning I was awoken when I rolled over and felt a sharp pain in my side. "OWWW!" I screamed. My mom came rushing into my room. "Clara! Are you alright? What happened?" I moved the covers off of me to reveal what stabbed me. It was my paintbrush I was using yesterday to hold up my hair. I giggled at what had happened. "What it is it?' my mom said with a sigh of releif. "My paintbrush!" I started laughing and soon enough my mom was laughing too. She came and sat next to me on my bed. She picked up my phone and checked the time. "Clara! It's 7:45! School starts in fifteen minutes! I'll go start breakfast." She left the room and I checked my phone. I had a message, but I was running late so I didn't check it. It was probably from Mae. I brushed out my hair and threw on skinny jeans and a shirt thats had Chinese symbols on it that translated to "I love books." I grabbed my sketchbook, phone, and backpack and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs, my mom read my shirt. "我爱书" She lived in China for four years, so she was fluent in Chinese. I giggled and took a sip of my coconut water. I got in the car and plugged in my phone, and started listening to Mayday Parade. Without music and art, my life would be the epitome of dreadful. When I'm sad, happy,mad, or any other emotion, I turn to art and music. They are kind of like my best friends.


Right as I pull my jeep into a parking spot in front of Riverbank high, the song ends. Maybe that's a good luck sign. I drag my feet to the front doors of the school and immediately realize what I had



My only true friend is already in college so it's not like I come to school ready to talk to associate with anyone. That doesn't matter though, I like flying solo. Shit! What if he thought I ditched him! He will probably think that being late was just an excuse. I better text him.

Just as I was getting my phone out, I stumbled forward unexpectedly. I turned around and who ever was walking behind me yelled, "Hey watch where your going mouse!!" His friends and him all laughed and I saw it was Ben. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to my locker.

I grabbed my books and pulled out my phone.

I was running late this morning, maybe we can meet in the library at lunch?-c

It took him a minute to reply:

Sure. I was waiting for you. If you are trying to play hard to get, go ahead and admit it ;)- s

I could feel the heat intensify in my cheeks. The first warning bell rang so I scurried off to class. Gosh Clara, how have you possibly let a boy make you blush! I mean, I have had one or two crushes before but they were silly ones in elementary school. I haven't cared to have a crush in what seems like forever.

But whatever this Sawyer guy is trying to say to make me swoon will end quickly. I barely even know him.

I was wrong.

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