Chapter 3: Seven Seconds

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Clara's POV

While I was walking to the library, I got really nervous. I never really talk to any one at school except the teachers. I hope it doesn't get awkward...

Sawyer's POV

The human brain can usually analyze if they like someone or trust them in seven seconds. When I saw Clara yesterday, I figured out two things in seven seconds. One, she had the prettiest red hair I had ever seen. Ever. Two, she is different than any one in this town. She didn't seem to be following any kind of social fashion trend, and she was wearing a green day shirt!

I didn't think anyone in this town even knew who green day was!!

I was extremely embarrassed when she saw me getting beat up though...

I am so nervous to talk to her. I don't even know why I have her my number, I can't even talk to a girl outside my family and teachers without freezing up. She probably has a boyfriend and thinks I am a stupid nerd. These bruises aren't doing me any good.

The best place to eat in the school is in the library. Or at least that's what the librarian and I agreed on. I don't talk to many people either. I remember Clara saying she was pretty antisocial herself. How can she be when she is unique!

Hopefully, today is one of my "good" days where I don't mumble or do something embarrassing. I have a tendency to be witty and charming 40% of the time and weird and nerdy 60% percent if the other time.

I looked up from my comic book to see her entering through the side door. How did I expect to be able to talk to her now!? I was so witty over text! Great. She saw me. She's waving at me... oh no she's coming my Sawyer....redhead incoming in T- 7,6,5,4,3,2......

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