Chapter 4: Movies and Comicbooks

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                                                                           Sawyer's POV

 "Hey Sawyer!" I just now realized the position I was in. Well, I realized the position I had let myself in. I looked and her blankly and decided to shoot her with what my brother calls the "Death Smirk" because it supposedly gave off a wickedly charm. "Well, Clara it does make me happy to know that there is someone in this town who knows who Green Day is, other than myself." 

                                                                       Clara's POV

   I melted. " You like Green Day?!" I was astonished. When you live in a tiny town like Ashville, the people who actually have a good taste in music are limited. People with actual personalities are limited as well.

"Of coarse! When I saw you yesterday, that's one of the first things I noticed..." He blushed and looked down at the book in his hand. He was reading a comic book. Where has this guy been all my life? I asked him what he was reading and our conversation took a left straight into Nerd Town. We were deep in conversation when my pocket buzzed. I took out my phone too see Mae had sent me a message:

Happy Lunch!!- MAE

  " If you want to leave, I totally understand," Sawyer said while scratching the back of his neck. "No! I don't have anywhere to go and I am enjoying this!" I said. My random bursts of confidence were coming out. "By the way, there are only thirty minutes left of lunch, and we haven't even eaten!" I smiled and pulled out my lunch. I looked over at Sawyer who was smiling at the table. "You okay?" I asked as I took a bite out of my cheese and tomato sandwich.

Mmmm. Cheese and tomatoes are the best combination ever created to be on a sandwich. Sawyer asked me rather plainly, "You are enjoying this?" I took another bite. "Sure. It's better than sitting by myself," I admitted sheepishly.

   Since as long as I can remember, my mom has gotten on to me, reminding me to always tell the truth. Well, all parents do. But, my mom was no ordinary parent.  She was hurt, broken by lies. She wanted me to be completely honest in every thing I ever said, did, painted. Mom always told me that honesty is the best policy. When you tell the truth, you can save a lot of extra drama from hurting you and your loved ones. 

"You're lying. You probably think I am boring and annoying." Sawyer said with a sad smirk. "I don't lie." I said flatly. He just looked at me and then took a bite out of his own lunch. A few moments passed by when finally I broke the silence. "No offence, but those bruises are horrifying. What did you tell your parents?" "I didn't. Both of my parents died in a car crash when I was a baby. I live with my older brother now." He looked away, obviously pained. " I had no clue, Sawyer. I'm sorry." I immediately felt terrible for bringing up the bruises.

   "Don't worry about it. This topic is kind of sad. Do you like Studio Ghibli movies?" Sawyer changed the subject so fast, I realized he really wasn't comfortable with the topic. "Studio Ghibli? Yeah!" We went back into talking about movies and comic books.

   After a heated discussion about what we thought the real meaning of Howl's Moving Castle was, we decided to head on to 5th period. I calculated that if I hurried, I could get to my locker, grab my Math book and study before the test I had in 15 minutes. We both said an awkward goodbye and headed to our classes. 


  I was the first person to finish my test in Math. I handed it to the teacher and she said she could grade it now. Impatiently, I waited at my seat for Mrs. Leery to finish grading my test. As I waited, I doodled in my sketch book. When I doodle, I tend to draw birds. The way they are made is beautiful. The tip of their wings, the edge of their beaks..... "Clara? May I see you up at my desk?" When I got there, she seemed really mad. "Clara, you are have one of the highest GPA's in this school. And this-" She held up my paper. I got a B- "This is not acceptable. I don't know what was distracting you when you where taking the test, but whatever it was, I hope it doesn't distract you again when I let  you retake the test tomorrow." I felt terrible. Getting a B- would definitely lower my GPA. I never got lower than an A on a math test, and my Mom was insistent on me getting valedictorian next year. "Thank you for letting me retake it, Mrs. Leery. I promise to you that this will not happen again."

I walked back to my seat. My doodle of a raven was staring at me. I looked back at it with a look of jealousy. He doesn't have to worry about getting good math grades. 


As soon as school was over, I had to 


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