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It was the first day of school of our junior year. We were finally almost seniors. My sister was already a senior, as well as her friend, and my best friend's sister,  Adelaide.  It didn't seem like the seniors were ready. They spent all of their Junior year hyping 12th grade up. The only person half way ready was my brother, JD. He spent his whole life preparing to be successful. That was the only thing our mom taught us. She didn't want us to turn out like our father, but I'm exactly like him. For the most part.

So it was pretty normal at first. Nothing really felt different from 10th grade. The  only thing different is all of the new kids that came this year. It was about 6 new kids this year, and our class was pretty big already. Considering this was the neighborhood school, no one would be transferring anytime soon.

One of the new kids was this shy kid. He was a strawberry blonde. He wasn't a redhead like Adelaide. It was very pinkish, I couldn't tell if it was dyed or not. But hey, he was nice looking anyway. I mean, I didn't think that at the time but I thought the hair was pretty cool.

I sat behind him in class. He barely spoke except when the teacher called his name. Heard some of the "popular kids" calling him a geek and other shit. I tried to ignore it. I am popular enough to make them all losers, but I use that power for good. If they started messing with him I'd drag their names through the mud, just not right now.
Our teacher began calling names. "Anika, Ameer, Bryce, Bethany, Camille, Carlos."

I dozed off. Wasn't paying a lick of attention to our teacher, and I wasn't planning to. "Carlos Maddaris!"
"Oh! Sorry i wasn't paying attention." I started in a pretty lighthearted manner. But of course, every class has one person that makes it their absolute purpose to comment on everything that happens in a class and every mistake you make. This person was one of my worst enemies. Tiaran Cirquet.

"It seems like Carlos got even more dumb over the summer, it's a shame JD and Magaly have to have such a inferior brother." she said, trying to sound smart. I then gave her The Stare. Now everyone knows The Stare. My dad knows the stare, my mom knows the stare. my step mom knows the stare, Hell even my grandma knows the stare. She immediately shut up after I looked at her and continued to mind her own business. Class went on as usual.  Nothing too exciting. That happens after the bell rings.

So the bell rings.  Everyone scatters to their lockers to socialize, bathroom to smoke, or class room where
we should be. I walk over to my sister and wave. "Hey Mags! Adelaide." Ada rolled her eyes, typical. "So what's up?" "Nothin, hella new kids in my class." I lean against the lockers and look at my hands.  "Us too. Loads of people left. Jaylan, Kadijah, Daren, and way more." Magaly said intently. My eyes widened.

"Daren and Kadijah?! Bro why'd they leave, I thought Mr.Dave said they'd stay till graduation." I was visibly fuming. Kadijah was my ex, But we were still close. "So does that mean Gabriel left too?" I asked, exaggerating my speech. "Yep" Adelaide answered.  "Bruh''.

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