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Suddenly the world wasn't so simple
The sun wasn't my friend
But now a foe,
A betrayal so cruel;
He burned my back
No more games of war
This was real.
Soldiers tried to help us along while other soldiers tried to render us.
Instead of ants fighting for food
I watched people die
I watched mom cry.
I was never to see dad again
Where are we going?
Somewhere safe?
Is anywhere safe when they don't want us?
Is anywhere safe when they blame us for the crimes they themselves committed?
Where are we going
And is it any better than where we are now?
Is it any better than where dad has gone?
Is anywhere actually safe?
I don't know anymore
But there's mom
Fighting to keep is alive
So I push on.

If I make it out,
I no longer will dream
Of being a soldier.
I'll be a doctor.

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