Don't Say It/I'll Follow You

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Please don't say you love me
I'm afraid to say it back
Afraid of what I'm feeling
I don't want to fall.
I'm not in a healthy place
It's only getting darker
Please don't say you love me
I don't want to shut you out
But those words scare me.
I want you near me,
I never want to hurt you.
I could live with you
But once you see me
In my truest form
You won't love me anymore

"I'll follow you into the dark"
I know I feel your heart racing
When I take your hand in mine
And when we are on the phone
Late at night
I can almost feel your shoulders shaking
The words are on the tip of my tongue
But instead I say
"All of us are broken
That's how the light gets in"
Your breath catches,
And I can only hope
My words truly reach you

The Ongoing RantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora