Haha o o f

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Woah hello I have returned
Y'all ready for an art dump??? I hope you are

Hopefully you guys will enjoy this more than my comic announcement, nobody seemed to really care about that which was n i c e :')
(Y'all seriously, please comment on stuff. Not just my stuff, but anyone's. Voting/liking sometimes feels like a chore, I absolutely appreciated all the votes don't get me wrong, but it feels as if some people don't really take the time to read the post and just come in and vote and then leave :// Comments really show appreciation for artists, so if you have the time, a comment or two every once in a while would be extremely appreciated :))) Thanks for listening)

Anyways I've just been a bit hesitant to post anything based on how poorly the last chapter did, but I've finally decided to crawl out of my cave and share some art :'D

So here we are!

First off is a little doodle of my good friend BetaDemons sona, Wink!  Wink's first birthday was last week (June 19th) so I did a little doodle to celebrate! (Is it weird to celebrate sonas/Ocs birthday's?? I don't know)

Next is some more sketches! I finally got around to playing Animal Crossing again (City Folk specifically) and I love it s o much aaaahhThe characters are all so good and the game is super chill and nice I drew some of my favorite villagers! Left ...

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Next is some more sketches! I finally got around to playing Animal Crossing again (City Folk specifically) and I love it s o much aaaahh
The characters are all so good and the game is super chill and nice
I drew some of my favorite villagers! Left to right we have Tangy, Beau, Goldie, and Kyle! They're so go o d

Next is some more sketches! I finally got around to playing Animal Crossing again (City Folk specifically) and I love it s o much aaaahhThe characters are all so good and the game is super chill and nice I drew some of my favorite villagers! Left ...

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Next is a chill little doodle I did one night to take a break from some bigger projects :')
I don't know exactly what's happening here but it's nice uwu

Next is a chill little doodle I did one night to take a break from some bigger projects :')I don't know exactly what's happening here but it's nice uwu

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