Art Fight 2018

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It's my first year participating in Art Fight and I'm super excited!! :DD

Anyone else here doing Art Fight?? :00
This year's theme is Coffee vs. Tea! I'm on Team Tea boys heck yE ah >:D

Some of y'all might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, and that's cool! Allow me to explain!
Art Fight is a website/social media where artists come together every July and compete! There's two teams to pick from and once you are on a team, your goal is to help you team win by attacking the other team and defending your teammates with art!! You draw people's Oc's for either attack or defense points (depending on if they're on your team or not) and other people draw your characters! You also receive "points" for each attack/defense. Points are awarded for the quality of the art (ex: A fullbody with a background is worth much more than a simple sketch. Also more characters in a drawing equals more points, too. ). Those points determine how effective your attack/defense is!

It's a friendly competition where you draw other people's characters and they draw yours!

So if that sounds fun to you, then I'd love to see you there!
My username is Shadewing, so make sure to check my page out!

Don't worry, I'll have more art out soon, I just wanted to make this announcement!
See ya later dudes! Hope to see y'all on Art Fight!!

Also go Team Tea! ;DD

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