Sajime Shipping time :)

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"SATSUKIII!!" Hajime screamed. "Lemme in!!" Satsuki groggily woke up and let Hajime in. "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!!" He hugged Satsuki tightly.

"Why are you acting like this?" Satsuki replied as she gently pushed him away. "Shouldn't you be the sarcastic person who doesn't believe the protagonist until they almost die?"

"Well," Hajime chuckled, "I am supposed to be the protagonist's love interest, right?' 

"Wait a minute I'm getting off topic," Satsuki focused. "Why are you here? Is the Italian mafia about to find you because you didn't give them money or gelato?"

"It's worse than that," Hajime sighed. "Some person tried to behead me. I don't know how she got in, but it was scary."

"Huh," Satsuki wondered. But then came a lightbulb moment from Satsuki where an actual lightbulb appeared above her head. She grabbed the light bulb and put it in the kitchen. She walked back to the living room. 

"Would it be ok to lie low here for the night?" Hajime asked.

Satsuki reluctantly agreed. "Thank you so much!" He kissed Satsuki on the cheek, making her instantly blush. He then laid out a blanket on the couch.

"Hajime," Satsuki called. She ran towards him to the couch. "Actually, 2 things."

"What is it?" Hajime asked.

"All this time I thought we would be killed in unfortunate 'accidents'," Satsuki explained, "but it seems that people are also capable of killing us. Whether it be being hit by a drunk driver 'accidentally' or being stabbed to death, other people have influence."

"So the typical 'trust nobody but each other' trope, right?" Hajime confirmed. Satsuki nodded. "Ok then."

"Oh and the other thing," Satsuki added. "I—"

"I like you too," Hajime interrupted. "Besides, a lot of fans our shipping us. We can't disappoint them." 

"You are right," Satsuki replied. "We can't disappoint them." Satsuki paced over to Hajime and kissed him on the lips for a few seconds. 

"I assume after this we get laid, right?" Hajime asked. "Because after the kiss, there is some Lenny face action that happens. And before you call me perv, I am only asking because it is a very common trope in movies and TV shows."

"Actually," Satsuki replied while making this face ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°), "my body is Reggie."

"Well," Hajime replied, sounding a little uncomfortable, "my body isn't Reggie. Besides, I'm getting kinda tired. Good night." He walked away from Satsuki and laind on the couch.

"Good night Hajime," Satsuki replied as she kissed his lips. 

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