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las angeles, california
sunday, december 24

"after the tragic incident that occurred in the hollywood house hold on november 29th that left one women and one man arrested, we are now sitting with indigo evans!"

she steps out onto the stage. what a tragic sight, what a familiar sight. the crowd stands on their feet, slapping their hands together as they all give her sympathetic, heart-warming glances. they all knew what the girl has gone through. they all knew that any of their lives had to be better the hers. she was only 19 and she had already been raped, sexually harassed, and now almost beaten to death by her own boyfriend.

"hello indigo, how are you."

inhale, exhale.

with a quick nod, she sits down in the chair across from the man and women. they stare at her. they stare at her bruised face, cut and chapped lips that were fading slowly. they stare into her dark, hazel eyes that haven't showed any sign of life since november 29th.

"um, do you mind if we ask you a couple questions about the things that happened before the incident, during it, and after?" the man speaks up, his green eyes sending familiar chills down her spine.

she gives another curt nod and lets them ask away.

"so we had some fans from twitter ask us, so these are all from them."

another nod—no words.

indie was afraid to use her voice. he was afraid that as soon as she opened her mouth, everything will come out. every tear from that night. every cry of help from that day. everything.

"arlright, first question is from BESSONSWEETHART who asked, 'DID YOU THINK ANYTHING OF CARLY THAT SET YOU OFF?'

"of course. from the first time i met her in our backyard, she seemed strange. from her actions, to the way she talked and interacted with the other boys. i think we all just got a bad vibe from her."


"thank you so much, bubs. as for the future, i'm sure i'll get better. i have people who love me. i have a boyfriend who now cares for me. things are complicated, but as of right now; i'm content."

"that's right! keep your head up! i'm sure jonah will take great care of you. a few more questions before we'll let you go and you can be on your way! sugarplumxcv asked. 'HAS DANIEL EVER BEEN ABUSIVE TOWARDS YOU BEFORE THIS SITUATION?'

she intakes a sharp breath, glancing down at the ground to avoid any eyes.

be honest.

"no, he has never. daniel would never intentionally hurt anyone. hell, this whole thing wasn't his fault. he was drugged and not on the right stage of mind. i love him, I really do; but we're toxic for each other. if i were to stay with him, we all know something will end up going wrong with us next year. but daniel is a good person. i don't want anyone to look at him as a monster or anything else but a sweet, kind, innocent boy who has just had people become jealous and want to ruin his life."

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