I'm So Glad You Found Me

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I woke up in a cell with dirty water on the floor.
Blood stained my shirt where I was shot.
I lifted my shirt to see it patched up but I had a bruise on my stomach.
I heard distant footsteps nearing where I was being held.
I stood up as a man appeared in front of my cell.
My cell was sealed with bars at the top.
"What do want from me. I am nothing what do you want. Let me out of here you piece of trash",  I screamed at him.
He smiled as he opened the door.
He stepped in and I continued to scream at him until he punched me in the face.
He grabbed me by my arms and d4agged me to another room with a table in it.
He put me on the table and put restraints on me.
He brought out a machine.
He smiled and lifted up my shirt.
He took out a scaple and sliced my other side.
I screamed in pain as he put a pen like object and all I felt was heat.
I screamed like my life depended on it.
He shut the machine off and I just laid there.
'I'm already broken so there is nothing left to break. I'm done',  I thought to myself.
He turned the machine back on and I screamed as he turned the power up.

Killa's POV
As soon as they put her in the van I activated the tracker I put on one of them.
I ran out to my car and called her gang and my main crew.
We got together and followed where the tracker showed they were going.
After driving for at least an hour and a half we pulled up to a broken building with a few windows.
Everyone got out with their guns and we all quietly entered and split up.
I could hear faint screams. I walked to where I heard them but as I got closer they stopped.
I kept walking and out of nowhere they started again but they were louder.
I ran to where I heard them as I realized it was her. It was Zahmira.
I ran and ran and ended up at a door.
I kicked the door down and the sight I saw broke my heart.
I saw Zahmira on a table with restraints holding her in place with something in her side that was causing heat.
I ran in and saw a tall but slim man with a gun pointed at me.
I ran and ducked when he shot and tackled him.
I knocked him out and tied him up.
I ran to Zahmira and shut the machine off and took that thing out of her and pulled her close to me.
I took the restraints off and picked her up.
I carried her out of the room as she fell asleep because of being exhausted.
I found the rest of everyone else and luckily Carter from Zahmira's gang was a doctor.
I carried her back to that room and laid her on the table as he fixed her up.
After he was we all headed home but I took Zahmira to my house.
I undressed her and started the water so I could bathe her.

I put her in the water where she slowly started to come back

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I put her in the water where she slowly started to come back.
When she was fully back I got in with her and washed her hair.
I massaged the shampoo into her hair and laughed when she started moaning.
I rinsed that out and started massaging the conditioner into her hair.
I washed that out and washed her body.
She washed mine and as she was washing me she straddled my lap.
" We can't. You're hurt",  I told her softly.
"Just because I'm hurt that doesn't mean I'm broken. After what I went through today, I'm sure I can take it",  she said as she kissed my neck.
She then started to kiss me so I kissed her back.
I stood up and put her down and grabbed two towels.
I dried myself and her off.
As I bent down to dry her lower half she pulled my head up and captured my lips.

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