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With the quads home there is no sleep and so many alarms on my phone it is insane Logan is getting ready for the ksi vs Logan Paul press conference I go up and I see him in his suit it looks so nice "babe you look amazing" I said to him with the replay of I know
We get in the bus and strap the kids in I made Logan get a bus with seat belts so the quads could come there all buckled up and I put those cool ear muffs on them so they can't hear the party going on around them we get there and I un strap the kids and George and mark get them because I can't lift two of them we get off the bus and we go back stage I look at Logan and say "no matter what don't hit him it will make you look bad" Rowan started to cry and there is a bottle warmer on the bus so I go and heat it up with Rowan

Logan's pvo

I am back stage and I am ready to go on stage and Chloe Comes up and says hi I say hi just being polite she is my x so I don't like her very much she says "I miss you loges and I want you back" and before I can say anything she kiss me she pulls away and I say "I have a family four kids a girl who I am planning to marry all she does is say you want to go marry a baby that's your choice.

Amelia's pvo

I get back just before he goes on stage and he tells me he loves me and goes out the press conference goes go until ksi say "ohhh at least I didn't knock up a child" Logan stands up and I know what he is going to do next. I started to cry and I know my kids are safe so I run fast the next thing I see is Chloe kissing Logan and then Logan going off on her and then I know and I shout "LOGAN ALEXANDER PAUL" under my breath "I love you"

Thanks guys so Much for being so patient I am just going through a lot right now and I am so glad that 2k people have read this I love you all

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