That was less hectic then i though

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Jake just holds me on the front step as I cry's eventually I fall asleep from one being so tired and two crying all I remember is Jake picking me up. I woke up in a bed it looked like jakes room.i get up and go down stairs everyone is playing with the baby's witch can finally hold there heads up witch is so nice because it is easier to carry them jake had gotten back from London a couple of days ago (I know big time jump) I went to the kitchen where jake was and he said that he was leaving for Manchester in two days and every one else was coming on the 23 he said "if you want to come I will buy five more plane tickets" I said ok so he did I had made a plan if we were to travel so I got this

The 23 of August
Logan has tried many many times to get ahold of my but I don't listen Logan has been over to jakes but me and Erika just take the kids out whale he is over .
So we leave for Manchester in 12 hours time to go over the plan with everyone so Anthony and chad will get the boys and me and Erika will get the girls they each are in charge of one baby one car seat one bag and there own stuff but we have the strollers and the convertible car seats all the stuff so we are good

At the airport
We stop at the drop of Anthony and Erika take the two strollers and the big luggage I am unhooking all the car seats from the car as we drive and attaching them to this cool wheel thing we load all the stuff on the bus and we go to the entrance where we meet up with Anthony and Erika we buckle each baby in to the car seats and go drop off the strollers and luggage I hand everybody there baby's boarding passes and get to our gate and we eventually get on the plane and in our seats the car seats all buckled in and we were off we get to Manchester we have our car and I say "that was less hectic then I thought" and everybody nodded then I see Logan and he runs closer and closer towards me.....i may of spoke to soon

Pregnant by Logan Paul Where stories live. Discover now