slumber party pt. 2~ fluff

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Lance POV:

I heard a very soft but prominent snore. I glanced at Keith, searching for his violet orbs. To my surprise,  they were sheltered by a coat of his pale skin. His eyelashes drifting over his cheeks, I was almost positive nobody else had realized Keith had slowly drifted into a soft muffled slumber. Hunk was currently doing a dare that Allura had cursed him with, he went and grabbed Keith's hippo stuffed animal from under Keith's bed. We had all looked very puzzled when Allura had told Hunk where to find it. Apparently the mice had been sharing little secrets with her. I flushed over with panic when i realized that i had been confiding in these little creatures the whole time I had been here.

I glanced at Keith's face again, I was worried he would wake up and become ballistic. He was peacefully in a light slumber though. Keith looked so cute wrapped up in my arms and in this lime green blanket. I glanced at Allura as she winked at me, she finished telling Hunk the rest of his dare. "Hunk go place the hippo by Keith, be careful not to wake him up." Hunk eyed Keith warily and slowly laid the small plush next to Keith making sure Keith could feel the softness brushing against his perfect skin. Keith shifted slightly as Hunk did so, Hunk backed away and sat where he originally had been. Everyone was glancing at me and Keith, eyeing Keith mostly, to see his reaction to the soft toy.

Keith had grabbed the toy animal and wrapped his arms around it. He was holding it so close to him and I, I started to release my arms, not wanting to bother his alone time with his hippo. As I had scooted back, I heard Keith whimper. That sound ripped at my ears. I suddenly felt a need to wrap my arms around him and never let go. I sat next to him instead of snuggling him close as i had been, I wrapped around him and placed my arm on his side. He was lying down at this point. He practically melted at my touch. He mumble something inaudible and wrapped his arms around my waist, I slowly laid back and let him get comfortable. Here we were. Just him and I, sure the other paladins were there, but they had continued with their game. Occasionally stealing a glance or two at me and Keith.

This was what my happiness was made of. I loved the feeling of Keith being so close to me. I could feel his heartbeat, and I was positive he would be able to hear mine if he were awake. Everyone started to get up and grab their things. I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation, I had been so enwarped in my own thoughts that I hadn't heard Pidge kick everyone out. She softly whisper-yelled knowing that Keith was asleep. She stole a glare at me, it softened as she focused on Keith's limp sleeping body.

Keith POV:

I woke up to Lance softly picking me up. I started to squirm, panic laced his face when he realized I had woken. He looked into my eyes with a sorry glance. I held onto him tighter, suddenly worried we were being watched. I glanced at his hand, why the hell does he have my hippo? I glared angrily at my hippo and the looked at his face. He didn't seem to realize until I reached for my plushie. He handed it to me without moving his hand and flicking his wrist. It landed on my chest and I smiled at the sweet hippo. We had reached my room and he attempted to open my door, he glanced at me questioning me for the password. I blushed extremely hard. Nobody in the castle knew my password. There was a very good reason for that.

I mumbled "Lancesabs1023" under my breath.  He glared at me with a smirk. "W-What was that?" He blushed. My face grew hotter by the second. "I-I said LancesAbs1023." He chuckled and typed in the pass code. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't even make eye contact with him. He placed me down on the bed, and proceeded to tuck me in. I felt like a child, but I felt so safe, and secure with him. He smirked and leaned over, he placed his hand on the back of my head.

He proceeded to fluff my pillow, and laid my head back down.  He looked over me again. He smiled to himself,  he moved around my room looking for something. As he spotted the light switch he muffled a "A-ha." I glanced over, worried that he was leaving. I felt a weird since of pressure hold itself in my chest. I didn't really want him to leave. I wasn't sure what I wanted. As the lights dimmed into darkness, I thought he was heading out of the room, but he came over to me. He breathed hesitantly, "Sleep well, Keith." He placed his soft plump lips on my forehead and smiled. As he exited the room, I became so flustered and happy. I drifted into a daze, Lance coursing through my mind.

(Authors note thingy: This was updated for you Ally. I hope you like it!! Also can I just say... There are so many FRIGGIN WORDS! I'm so proud of myself. 900 words C:)

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