Part 1

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Zack Snyder's Superman but he's 16 and listens to post-hardcore rock

Set against a dark blue sky, Clark is laying against an old oak tree a few miles away from his house. He has on fitted distressed jeans from Hot Topic with a laced up pair of all-black Converse and his favorite band tee: Bring Me The Horizon. The cool morning August breeze is Clark set time to relisten to his complete playlist of best pop punk from West Coast bands. The headphones block out all the sound, so when his mom calls his phone he can't hear it. Clark enjoys using his classic iPod, the old retro feel of being isolated with only the mp3's to keep him company.

Growing up on a farm is always a hard life when there are just two people living there. Though Martha's homeschooling has made Clark a decently intelligent young man there has been a particular hollow feeling in him lately. A longing to be a part of something more than the simple farm life. That's where his music has come in. The internet with all its vastness landed Clark on a subreddit called r/sadpunkers. In it he found a community of people that introduced him to a whole new world. As soon he got a taste, he'll do anything for more.

Living in such a remote location Clark would expect anyone he spoke to on r/sadpunkers to be halfway across the world. But to his surprise, someone he's been speaking to lately lived in the relative nearby Metropolis. Lex (u/baldjesus), same age as Clark, lived an affluent life in the city attending the city's top private schools. He's a rich kid with rich parents. Lex was on r/sadpunkers to find if anyone else had an appreciation for Panic! at the Disco like he does. A u/superboy did share that sentiment.

Zack Synder's Lex Luther (played by Zachery Quinto) but he's 16 and listens to Panic! at the Disco

It's 2am on a warm Sunday morning, Lex is up again on his laptop relistening to "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" for the twelfth time this week. His LED screen is burning into his retinas, all the more reason to have contacts. He could just get laser eye surgery, it's not like he can't afford it. It's just Lex likes to struggle, his struggle with vision is one of the few ways he can feel anything anymore. It's either that or r/sadpunkers.

Lately Lex has been chatting with u/superboy (learning eventually his name is Clark) about their mutual passion for music. Going from punk rock to hiphop to somehow debating over which member of My Chemical Romance has the coolest hair. Lex started to feel...alive.

One day Lex writes to Clark:

"hey bro, ik this is gonna sound crazy but do u wanna start a band?"

Clark replies, "WOW WHAT?! idek how to play an instrument plus i dont live in metropolis :/"

"dude i live in HUGE penthouse with 5 empty rooms and my parents dont even live with me, they live in the building next door. lets do it, ill cover all the expenses"

"idk man...this sounds like a lot.."

"u said u wanted to get off of that farm for a while now, this is the chance now."

Clark doesn't write back for a few hours.

"fuck it, ill be there next week"

End of Part 1

Zack Snyder's Superman but he's 16 and listens to post-hardcore rockWhere stories live. Discover now