MOPH:Chapter 2

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When I turned the corner,I ended up bumping into something hard.

I groaned as I fell on my butt.

The person tsked,"Watch where your going,brat."

I gained a irk mark,I looked up,ready to retort,when my eyes widened seeing a familiar face.


My eyes widened seeing a familiar face,but then they went back to there normal size.

I stood up,it looked like he was a couple of feet taller than me,so he towered over my small figure.

I then said,"Your the one that bumped into me,so you should be the one to watch where your going."

He glared at me,while I continued to stare at him,with my normal expression.

He tsked again,"Hn,Stupid Kid." He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and walked away.

I stuck my tongue out,making sure no one was around.

"Kid,Don't stick your tongue out at me,"he said,not looking back.

"No Fair,I want ta be Physic,"I muttered,turning around,I started heading to my 5th period class,which happened to be Weapons.

His Pov

"Kid Don't stick your tongue out at me,"I told her,staring at her from the corners of my eyes,not looking back.

"No Fair,I want ta be Physic."I heard her mutter,I chuckled quietly,how was that being Physic?

Once I turned the corner,I leaned against the wall.

"He would want to know she's here,but if he knows will it change anything?"I muttered to myself.

I sighed,why did she have to come here? Why would Hikaru even agree with Reyna on this?

The same with Lisanna,I guess she just wanted to get her away from Akira,but why?

Oh well,it doesn't matter,as long as their stupid plans don't involve me,I don't care.

I started thinking about Sora.I chuckled at the thought of her,"I did miss that kid though."


"Alright You Puppies,Listen Up!"Bellemere-sensei yelled.

She was a woman in her mid-twenties,who had red hair along with purple brown eyes.

She had a toothpick in her mouth,in her hands she held a shot gun.

We were at the right side of the school,outside.

I was sitting on the ground,my back pressed against the wall.

Everyone else was either sitting on the ground or they were leaning against the wall.

"Today We are Going to Practice on How To Use a Shot Gun!!"she shouted.

Some of the Girls were muttering on how dangerous it was going to be,some had frightened looks on thier faces,while the rest of the girls looked excited.

I,myself didn't really care,I already knew how to use one,so it wasn't a big deal to me.

"Alright,Pair Up,into a Group of 3,then start shooting at random things,and Don't shoot at any of your class mates,I don't want to be held responsible for their death !"

I stood up,wondering on who I was going to be with,I didnt really know anyone.


My Living Hell(A One Piece Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin