Chapter 3

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Her eyes open and she surveys the room, it's the nurse's. She hates being here, there's too many people who come here just to get out of class. Her eyes land on the clock, second hour should be ending soon. The nurse gives her a smile before handing her a bottle of water, "You should really keep hydrated, (Y/n)."
The (h/c)-haired woman nods before casting her eyes down; she's lied to the nurse multiple times about her panic attacks being dehydration, but she still feels guilty about it, "By the way, the nice boy who brought you here today, was he new? I've never seen him around before. Said his name was Ichiji? And that if you need to make up the notes you're missing, he'll lend you his book."
She lets out a sigh and nods, "Thanks, now I'll be taking my leave... I have a class to get back to."
She stands up from the bed and slightly stumbles to the door. She doesn't rush to get back, everyone will be staring at her when she walks through the door. She's humiliated herself again, why today if all days? The new kid is going to think that she's weak now and who knows what he'll tell everyone else about her.
It's not like it matters. Why should she care, it's not like there's much time left in school anyway. She'll be graduating this year, and after that she'll never have to see any of these people ever again. What they think of her won't have any influence on her life.
She opens the door and walks to her seat, she's honestly happy that it's the passing period because she doesn't want to explain what happened to a new teacher. She takes her seat next to the new kid before turning to him, "I heard that you were the one who took me to the nurses. Don't expect me to thank you, but... I appreciate it."
  He laughs by blowing air from his nose and his eyes are soft as he gives her a smile, "That's a different kind of thank you, but it means the same nevertheless. And it was just common decency. Also, you got hurt when you hit the floor... I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough."
  She gives him a strange look, she doesn't feel anything. In fact, she's not even sure she hit the floor. He seems to notice her confusion, so he reaches out and brushes his thumb against her cheek, "You have a bruise... right here. It messes with your faces beauty."
  She slaps his hand away and cups her hand over the mark her father gave her the night before. How did her makeup rub off? She forces a smile and drops her hand before shrugging, "It's not your fault. I should've just eaten this morning."
  "You didn't eat?" he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a (f/brand/kind) granola bar. "You can have this, I don't want it. I had like a five meal course for breakfast. My father doesn't know how to hold back on special occasions."
  "Oh, no, I can't accept tha-" he places it on her desk and before she has proper time to refuse, her favorite teacher comes in. She immediately sees (Y/n) sitting with someone and her face lights up.
  "Hi! You must be the new student! I'll be your English teacher, Miss Deon!" she holds out her hand, strands of puffy brunette hair sticking up from underneath her headband.
  "Yes, that's me, I'm Ichiji," he takes her hand and sends (Y/n) a look that told her he thought that Ms. Deon was crazy.
  "Please take good care of (Y/n), she's really smart but has a horrible habit of being cold and distant-" (Y/n) glares, he eyes narrowing, causing the older woman to frown. "Well, whatever the case, she just really needs someone who wo-"
  "Can you just go teach?" she casts her eyes away. Ms. Deon is a problem, no matter how hard (Y/n) tries, she always sees right through her.
  The brunette sighs and walks back to the front of the class and addresses them. Ichiji stares at the girl beside him, it suddenly became really clear to him that she's going to be hard to crack. She's so guarded that even the most bubbly of people can't get through to her.
  He watches her out of the corner of his eyes, maybe he was getting ahead of himself. A smile forms on his face as she reaches out and takes the bar he placed on her desk and slips it into her backpack, or maybe not. This might just be a bit of a challenge, and he loves challenges.


DNA (Ichiji x-Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt