Chapter 1: Hear the Church Bells Ring

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The dress Diana is wearing in this chapter^^^

Diana's POV

Sunlight streamed in from the painted windows, casting rainbows all over the aristocrats dozing off to the sound of the pastor droning on about forgiveness and regret.

Not that any amount of droning is going to be enough to save father. In his last moments, as he is clinging onto life with nothing to do except go over everything you have done and think of what's awaits you, it seems to have hit him that this is it. Royalty has a twisted relationship with religion. We are taught that we are chosen by god, above human reproach. But it is understood that once you are out of this world, the ball's out of your court. My father has grasped the fact that his glory days are over and so we are all stuck here, witnessing a king's desperation.

However, that wasn't the main attraction. The tense air between the pastor on stage and the princess sitting front row was what caught everyone's attention.

No one said it. But everyone knew. That was the next queen sitting there. Slye hadn't had a queen in almost a century. And Pastor Thomas was not happy about having one now. The last queen had been 13 years of age and had only ruled for 8 months before dying of the plague. She was young, ignorant, easy to influence and gone before anyone could find cause for a rebellion. But this is different. A queen with the backing of one of the richest families in the kingdom-her mother's side- and a reputation for being more troublesome than she looks. Now that makes for a interesting life at court.

Of coarse there was also the other thing that rendered the princess a nuisance in the pastor's eyes.

Diana shifted her eyes off of the stage at that thought. Not the time to take a drive down memory lane.

The service came to an end. The whole of the cathedral rising to its feet. Eyes turned to her as she walked down the aisle to her father resting on the makeshift throne, covered with equal amounts of blankets and jewels. Her dress caught the light in the most magnificent way, clinging to her like a second skin. Her hair swayed with every step. She looked like a real princess, catching the eyes of anyone she passes.

Her father saw something different. He saw the look in her eyes. She looked older.  More in focus. Had she really changed ? Or is it just the power she now knows she processes.

They looked at each other. Smiling for the benefit of the audience they knew they were attracting . And a shared understanding passed between them. This was the last time they would ever see each other. And more importantly, he had never really known the daughter he pushed to the side and kept as a showpiece in castles and showed off in parades.


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