Chapter 3: The Reluctant Pact

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Third Person POV

'Who authorised this?'
The queen's voice was shaky from anger, her footsteps echoing as she walked purposefully down the hallway.

'Your majesty, your father-"
' Lord Narcissus, I know what my father did, but what I want to know is how did a foreign prince pay us a visit without me being notified. All of the palace arrangements were transferred to me the moment my father passed away. How did this slip my attention?'

The royal adviser flinched at being cut off. It seemed only yesterday that this same girl was running around the castle grounds with flowers in her hair. And now she was hailing questions down on him.

But this was the way things had turned out.

'In the bustle of all the last minute funeral planning, I'm afraid you didn't get a full review of the attendees, what with the guest list changing every 5 minuets. And as for the letter, well it was not state business it was your father's personal correspondence, which you know wouldn't be passed down to you.' The advisor answered begrudgingly.

' Alliances formed through marriage is state business-'

'Yes but the alliance was never truly formed. It was all just talk. I believe your father wanted to move things forward but it never got to that part.'
Diana stared him down,monarchs were not people who got interrupted. Non the less his answer pleased her enough to make her let go of that- for now.

'So you mean I can just tell him to go home? And never have to deal with this marriage nonsense anymore?'
The queen's voice sounded younger, more like her true age when she was happy. She hated that and adjusted her voice according.

'Well yes, technically you could. But it shows us in a bad light. Make us seem flakey. And the late king didn't reach out to him for nothing. His family is rich and he is the most obvious choice for king of this country.' Lord Narcissus knew this was a bold move. Trying to convince a wilful 17 year old to agree to a marriage, but he truly did believe in this alliance.

'I'm too young to be thinking about marriage, we should just let this thing quiet down. Let him stay for the funeral and the wait in vain for us to contact him, he'll eventually get the hint.'

This was exactly the reaction he was afraid of. Dismissive behaviour doesn't earn one any favours.

'Or we could invite him to a royal tour of the kingdom and halt talk of marriage. This way you get to know him a bit better and we don't seem too rude.'

The queen seemed torn. On one hand she really just wanted to be done with this topic but on the other, she knew she should do the more logical thing .

'Fine' she forced the word out. ' I don't see any harm in that'

She had no idea what she had just signed up for.

Lord Narcissus drew in a sign of relief. This was going better than he had hoped for.

'He's the second child of the late king of England, his brother now rules the country. He's-well he's a bit unusual- you'll see soon enough.' He listed off facts off of the top of his tongue, so lost in his relief that he missed the smirk gracing Diana's face.

'Unusual huh? Well he's handsome too so at least this will be entertaining.'

And with that, the Queen walked off towards the dining room, off to meet her Prince Charming .


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